View Full Version : Citalopram and Weight Gain

12-11-12, 13:32
Hi all
I've been on 10mg of Citalopram for about 10 weeks now for depression and anxiety. It has done wonders for my sadness, anxiousness and anger problems (i.e. I pretty much felt like a robot just drifting along) but the side effects have been too much. I sleep all the time and exhausted all the time, complete disappearance of sex drive and I've noticed I'm ravenous all the time - I have put on almost 10lbs since being on the medication with no real change to my diet or exercise routine. Can Citalopram mess with your metabolism? I have cut my doseage down to 5mg a day and I still feel better (though some of my anxiousness and anger has returned but mild enough to cope with alongside practising some CBT) but the weight is really bothering me - as some of my depression and negative self-image is to do with weight so I am loathe to pile on any more. Do you know of any SSRI's that don't cause weight gain, or is that just wishful thinking?
Thanks very much everyone

little scientist
12-11-12, 15:22
I put on weight with citalopram last time I was on it, but for me that wasn't a bad thing as I'm very skinny!

12-11-12, 16:11
Ssri can cause weight gain. It's a common side effect. There are many different ideas why this may be. Medical professionals generally don't agree or know why. I think the main reason is increased appetite to be honest. I'v gained about a stone but I know Iv been eating a lot more.and when I diet the weight goes down. You read alot of stories online people saying they're dieting and working out and still gaining weight. Most of these I think are fabrications and just lies. I'v read someone say they've gained 30 pounds in a month with deiting and eating next to nothing lol That's just impossible. Eat really well and do cardio exersice and you'll be ok mate.

12-11-12, 17:27
Thanks for the reply I think you're right it's due to my appetite being increased so maybe I'm eating just bigger portions of the same food so seems as if I'm not eating 'badly' and also am tired all the time so maybe not working out to my full potential. Will start dieting and force myself to the gym more and see! Thank you!

12-11-12, 17:50
It's been suggested that it's little things together for example Increased appetite and a slightly slowed down metabolism together can cause big problems lol but it's always manageable .I really just do not believe that if one really and I mean really actually works out loads and eats nothing but salad they could gain weight- not stones and stones anyway .It would seem to go against physics and biology. I don't doubt it's distressing ( I know first hand it is ) and I think these people are sincere, they probably really believe they're trying everything.But I'm sure they're making alot of mistakes along the way

12-11-12, 18:04
Yes it can cause weight gain, but 10lbs in 10 weeks does sound rather drastic. I've been on 10mg for 3 months and I haven't noticed any obvious weight gain. In fact when I first started on the tablets I lost my appetite for about 5 days (when I hardly ate anything at all). My appetite did come back within a week, but I still don't think I eat as much as I used to. I seem to feel full up more quickly than I used to.

Incidentally, I haven't weighed myself for over a year! This is partly because the bathroom scales aren't working, and partly because last year my BMI (body mass index) tipped over the 25 mark, meaning I'm too heavy for my height. Ignorance is bliss! :roflmao:I haven't noticed any obvious signs of weight gain in the last 3 months though - my clothes don't seem any tighter than usual.

I've heard quite a few people on this forum say they're very skinny - I assume this is because some people get suppressed appetite during anxiety and depression. Whenever I've felt particularly anxious I haven't felt like eating so much, but the change in weight seemed negligible.

little scientist
12-11-12, 21:42
I've heard quite a few people on this forum say they're very skinny - I assume this is because some people get suppressed appetite during anxiety and depression. Whenever I've felt particularly anxious I haven't felt like eating so much, but the change in weight seemed negligible.

That's spot on for me, when I have anxiety, I have no appetite and often vomiting and lose weight quickly. I think in general I have a lot of nervous energy too

13-11-12, 15:33
Thanks everyone yeah I think I'm one of the unfortunate ones as I have terrible emotional eating problems, I have only once every lost my appetite and that was due to a break up otherwise I eat more when stressed and anxious! I was kind of hoping Cit would suppress my appetite a bit as that seems a common theme for most (the first few weeks anyway) but i went the opposite way LOL typical - guess it's just a strict 1,200kcal diet and lots more exercise for me. Problem is I've cut down to 5mg a day and I feel better in the sense I am more in control of eating, not as tired, slight sex drive back but already feeling a little anxious and paranoid again so i may have to go back up to 10mg anyway - viscious circle the pills increase my appetite so I eat, but weight gain depresses me more. oh to have a simple life ay! :doh: