View Full Version : severe indigestion and gas but what if ? Do I go to a&e

12-11-12, 17:31
Hi there for the last 3/4 hours I have had chest pain just above my sternum. I am burping a lot and I have been leaning over the computer and bending over a lot. I am quite sweaty but the house is very hot. I have taken omerprazole gaviscon paracetemol but still this pain keeps coming. I can put my finger on it. I had an endoscopy 3 years ago and they said I had a hiatus hernia and inflamed oesophagus but now I keep thinking what if this is a heart attack.?? I also have been eating a lot of chocolate today could this have brought it on. My heart rate is normal I dont know whether to go to a &e

12-11-12, 17:41
We can't possibly make a decision like that for you. We are not doctors and even if we were we can't examine you over the internet. If you are worried see a doctor.

12-11-12, 17:41
ring nhs direct now nver leave pain in t5h chest they will advice you so ring now i was a nurse ,,so i know verything isnt indegestion

12-11-12, 17:45
hiya, if you are worried then go to out of hours appointment, sounds like you have acid reflux, im not a doctor but sometimes mine flares up after eating things i should'nt and i have the same symptoms as you chocolate is supposed to be bad for setting off reflux/heartburn but everyone is different take care :)