View Full Version : Anyone have a non understanding doc??

12-11-12, 17:50
I suffer with agoraphobia and in the past have had blood clots so I'm on warfarin tablets for life and have to go for regular check ups. This has become a major problem With the the agoraphobia. The last time my doc came to do my blood test he basically said that he can't keep doing home visits and I need to go to the surgery, I felt awful and useless when he said this but I feel he's put the pressure on me now to go into the surgery.
The receptionist called me today to say they will not be giving me any more warfarin tablets unless I go into the surgery to monitor my blood, so now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I know I need to go so I can sort out my prescriptions but already I feel wobbly and nervous!
Help, what do I do?????

18-11-12, 19:26
I'd try using that old CBT trick and just allowing whatever will happen when you go out to happen. Which will be nothing. You'll shake, you'll tremble, you'll think you're going to faint, you'll feel sick and dizzy and you'll want to go home every second. Then it'll be done and you will be home.

Take it in small steps.

Get yourself out the door. Then to the car. Then to the surgery etc. Remind yourself at each stage that if you really need to you can go back home at any stage.

You'll feel like crap, but you will be fine.

Get them meds sorted :)

24-11-12, 06:15
How far is the surgery? do you have someone who will go with you? I always liked someone with me it made things easier because i would try very hard to listen and concentrate on what they were saying.. but sometimes I didn't go... But sometimes I did and then the sometimes I did got more.

Or is there a friend that would go for you? It will be hard but the reward of achieving is huge.

Thinking of you:hugs: