View Full Version : Sooo gasy

12-11-12, 18:00
Hi can anyone help about 15mins ago i was in so much pain just after eating i got up to wash my plate and my tummy felt really tight and i had pain that went to my chest, it was horrible ive had them before but i cant remember being this bad, the only relief i had was being on all fours and i passed wind and burped and then the pain went. its like my belly is bloated and full of gas i was so scared i two 2 pain killers.

can anyone help how do i get rid of this gas its also made my back ache and lower hips, the pain is mainly round my belly button too like electric shocks :(


12-11-12, 18:12
I get this allll the time! please don't worry about it :) yes it's anxiety related it sounds like you have IBS which can be a symptom of anxiety if you look at the side and you will see "Health worries" look down and read the I.B.S article it will help you loads, if you ever need to talk about it message me :) x

12-11-12, 18:15
Don't laugh..but the best thing I have found for this is baby gripe water, it is the only thing that I have found to give me relief from the pain :)

12-11-12, 18:23
Thank you Emily i have messaged you. xx

and oh my baby gripe water thats something i have to try! whats your pain like Annie x

12-11-12, 18:26
The pain gets really bad sometimes, mostly like you say around belly button but I even get it in my shoulders sometimes. The gripe water works great :D

12-11-12, 18:33
i must get some,my belly feels so bloated x

12-11-12, 18:41
I hope it works for you.x

12-11-12, 19:04
Thanks honey xx