View Full Version : Worrying agian

16-08-06, 13:57
Been feeling really tired and had weak legs for over a week now, its been worrying me what could be causing it. Have an appointment for friday but don't really want ot go because ive bee 3x recently trying to sort my sinuses out and twice with the kids this week (they have chicken pox)

Im getting very little sleep this week but my tiredness began before then and the weak legs. I am getting headaches all down the back of my head and my head feels full like when you have a headcold but I don't have a cold. I have chronic sinusitis which the dr finally diagnosed last week and im on a steroid spray, sinuses in the face are fine now but getting awful headache down back of my head and ears. It could be the tiredness im suffering this week with them being ill but as I say I was getting these symptoms before this week.

I am worn out, very little help from my mum now (she babysat for an hour this morning which was a lifesaver but rarely see her now ) Dylan is quite poorly with chicken pox and has had an allergic reaction to the virus, Jem doesn't sleep for more than 5 mins in the day and is awake screaming the house down, then there is Rhys who is whingy and bored so I know its only a matter of time before he gets it.

Dh is away in Dublin from tomorrow. I am not seeing my mum until next wednesday so no support what so ever This is all making my mood feel abit low, I guess its normal with all of this going on, the thought of this for the next 2-3 weeks being stuck in makes me feel so low. Its also making me worry today about my health, my head is banging all down the back and it feels so full. Im worrying the tiredness could be something simple like anemia/thyroid but then I jump to cancer or something nasty Worried my sinuses are getting worse and that I do need anti bs not just a steroid spray and that I will get mengintis if it spreads to the brain, I know that risk is very rare but still

Sorry huge whinge over, just needed to do that, only have 3 littlies here to talk to and I can't talk to them about this

Jem x

16-08-06, 14:39
Hi Jem,

Thats what I love about this forum we can come on here and just say what we feel and nobody judges us. Hope you feel better soon.

Take Care



16-08-06, 15:09
Its great this place, everyone understands how eachother feels.
Thanks Mandy.

16-08-06, 17:12
Jem, about a year before I became ill with all this sort of stuff, I had to take a week off work with head symptoms similar to what you described.

At the time I was terrified as I thought I had a brain tumour due to the full feeling in my head that ytou mentioned. When I finally built up the courage to go to the doctors after a week or so he said it was a muscle spasm up the back of my head/neck and it could be triggrered by stress. Shortly after when i stopped worrying that I wasnt infact about to die a horrible death the symptoms started to fade and then disappeared.

even now sometimes when someone/something has annoyed me and I dont feel its sorted out, the same sensation in the EXACt same place comes ack but now I know what it is. Try not to worry - I am sure its something similar with you.

16-08-06, 17:14
Hi ya,

not suprised you feel the way you do, I am a single mum of one (i'm 26) and I'm knackered all the time, so i can't imagine how tired you must be feeling looking after 3! I think the tiredness triggers the health worries - it does me!!!

I know its hard but just try n get out, I really have to push myself to get up, ready and out with my son! - You will feel so much better!!!

My son had chicken pox about 6 months ago, I remember I too felt very run down when he had it, I think in a way we must kind of carry a bit of the virus - I too became very low, tired and the kids are hard work!.

Stress is whats causing your headaches etc

My whole body aches all the time especially around my shoulders and neck!



17-08-06, 09:05
Thanks, see my thank you post on the board.

17-08-06, 11:57
jem it probably is just the tiredness of sick kids but feel no embarrasement about going to get reassurance. i apologise for going to my doctors but one of the nurse said to me that many people visit every day. plus if your a nice person and they just no your having it tough at the moment believe me they will understand.

there are very few mums in the surgery or on reception who will not no how hard being a mum is. everyone has their fears and things, youd be surprised

i am a mum of 5 with 4 under the age of four s o believe me i know the tiredness of kids, but anxiety will tire you more

take care


17-08-06, 14:12
Thank you Jackie,
I use to be up the drs every day when I was ill with anxiety 2 yrs ago, I think I really did p**s the drs off, lol! I just think the dr will fob me off with 'your a mum of 3' he may be right but I can't see why id feel this tired. I get about 6 hours sleep a night and yes at the moment I am very very busy with 3 sick kids but this was happening before they got ill.
Thanks for your reply.