View Full Version : Back for my yearly update.

12-11-12, 18:58
Hello everyone......

Time has flown since my last visit, which reading back was almost a year ago, which was an update about not being here for a year.... i've done it again.

Well, from my last thread i see i was just completing my first round of radiotherapy for thyroid cancer....... happy to say i got the all clear in July yay.

As for the anxiety/panic attacks. I am still in control, sure i get my ectopic beats everyday, some days more than others but they are just part of my day now, i can actually make them come on as well too... if i think about something and get stressed about it they happen, then i calm myself down and they stop (well almost, they go away for a while at least). Since my last update, a year ago, I have only had 1 'true' panic attack.... i think that is pretty good going. I can now identify exactly what causes my anxiety, and in identifying those things i can find solutions. There are still a few things which get me panicky but i can handle them most of the time. Life has once again this year thrown things at me that should break me but i'm still standing, the deaths of two of my closest loved ones within 48 hours of each other was the toughest time, regardless of what was going on with my health as well at the time. But im coping, and helping my loved ones cope too, which in turn is a great therapy.

Whenever i have spoken to anyone who is having problems with anxiety i have always recommended this site... i may not have posted much but i have read lots, a lot of inspiring stories and it has been so comforting to know there are others going through exactly the same thing.

Sending so much love and support to you all.

12-11-12, 22:43
Hi Ducky.

I haven't been a member for a year yet, so have not seen your previous message. I'd firstly like to say that's excellent news regarding your all clear.

Since having some CBT I have found that my panic attacks have greatly reduced and I can often reconise them and let them pass. Your success in identifying them and their triggers means that there is definitely hope for us all.

I am so sorry to hear of your losses, it must be really difficult for you. I'm glad that you do have people close to you that can support you.

Thank you for your inspiring message. Wishing you all the best.

Take care
