View Full Version : Major PA's/Leaving USA/4 transfer flights

16-08-06, 15:05
I am so tearful and panicky. Packing was enough but trying to clean a villa so my husband will not lose his security deposit is making it worse.

Coupled with a ten year old who is very disappointed to leave the USA. He happened to come down when I was crying and asked whether I was crying because I was sad the holiday was over.

I just want to be home without the hassle of extra security, queues, crowds, PA's on four planes. My husband makes it seem so easy while for me all of this is terrifying.

I am so irritable and am continually snapping at husband and son.

I dont know what the answer is, I have to go through this to reach home but I wish I were invisible.

Take care of yourself and each other.

Fran X

16-08-06, 17:01
Hi again, sounds like you have had a day similar to my own. I, too, was found crying by my 12 year old daughter and she is so sensitive she began crying too which made me feel terrible!

Then my 10 year old son came down and looked at us like we were mad sitting bawling on the sofa together and immediately thought it must be something on the tv that had made us feel emotional - sadly it was Jeremy Kyle on telly, and he never has that effect on me. His guests do sometimes make me wanna cry admittedly but thru enragement and the fact I cant get to them and bang their heads together not the fact that I feel for them. So that put a smile on our faces that we were discovered feeeling sorry for ourselves together - its a known fact that Jeremy and his guests have that effect on people lol.

You sound like strong minded person and I know you will get thru this and feel a huge sense of achivement as you should! Good luck with your flights and well done in anticipation of your success!!

16-08-06, 17:12

If only you knew how much you had inspired me with your courage and determination. I know you feel that you arent coping but I read each post you write knowing that somehow you have got thro the day doing something you really arent comfortable doing. I know that you feel you havent achieved anything during this holiday but after I have read your news, I come away from the PC with renewed hope and a smile and that, Fran, is all down to you and the ways and means that you have dealt with this holiday.

Good luck with the flights home, you've come this far, there isn't much further to go (",)

Thank you

Clare (",)

16-08-06, 17:28
Fran my dear mate, you have acheived so much.
You have done this for your Family, be proud of that fact.

You will be home soon, it'll be your time to relax and have some quiet moments.

speak to you soon
Dave x

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

16-08-06, 20:53

Missacora -

I believe we think in very similar ways, especially about severe anxiety and how it impacts on others, especially our children. I will be really glad when I see our 18yr old who is now 21 wks pregnant. I dont miss the tears (as her ex is due to go to prison (jail) in November. There is a huge sense of responsibility when children are part of our lives and hiding it (with the need to explain the minimum) is hard and sometimes almost impossible. I liken that to when animals hear thunder when we dont - children sense fear/panic beforehand and tend to stay clear. Thanks so much for your post. I would love to keep in touch when I finally get to the UK. Love FranX


Thank you so much for your supportive post. It is really hard to feel what I have achieved rather than hear or read it. Perhaps that takes time. From the bottom of my heart, I am really happy that my posts have inspired you. (I let my husband see it and he said that was a very kind post). Love Fran X


I am glad we PM each other and yes you are completely right - I have done this three week long haul for my family. Eventually I will have to do it for me but in the meantime this will suffice for now.

Thanks to all of you for posting.

Take good care of yourself and each other.

Fran X

17-08-06, 20:43
Yes Fran, make sure you keep in touch.

Take care x

19-08-06, 22:55
Hi Misscorah

Finally back inthe UK after 22 hours travelling on planes. The security at Paris was unbelievable (especially as we were screened and frisked in the USA). They put our flight back 30 minutes, so at least we got home.

I will text on a new topic tomorrow.

Right now I am furious at my daughter as she has used chat room and has obviously written foul messages and my son has read them and has come to me crying. I have deleted her a/c off my PC.

I thought she had grown up somehow but it appears not.

Take care oif yourself.


20-08-06, 08:23
Welcome Home Fran (",)

Take care

Clare :)

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your mind off your goals.