View Full Version : Panic and stress - help!

12-11-12, 20:50
Hello :)

I'm new here, so please forgive any faux pas :P

I'm 19 and was diagnosed with stress, anxiety and panic disorder last January. At the time, it was caused by a bully boss and a horrible boyfriend. Both the job and the boyfriend got dumped, and I've been in my current job for 8 months.

Most of the time, I feel ok at work and I do my job well. I've just beeen offered a promotion.. But I'm too scared to take it! I suddenly feel inadequate, useless and terrified of what could happen if I take the job.

I feel like I'm in a vicious cycle. I'm stressing over nothing and letting myself get extremely anxious :(

I am also moving at the moment, which is supposed to be quite stressful, and I'm also having to leave my beloved cat behind.

I can't really talk to anyone cause I really feel like I'm a bit crazy and being silly over nothing.

I just don't really know what to do or how to calm myself down :(

12-11-12, 21:21
You would only have been offered a promotion if the boss thought you were up to the job, try and have the same confidence in yourself as he/she does in you. You have obviously worked hard to get where you are, be proud of yourself. Put yourself in the shoes of your boss and think of words he/she would use to describe you. Say them over and over in your mind.

You are bound to be anxious, new position at work, moving house and leaving a pet behind, all extremely life changing stressful situations.

12-11-12, 21:57
Congratulations on being offered a promotion. :yesyes: I applied for a promotion earlier this year, and I got it, but like you I felt scared at first that I wouldn't be able to cope with the new role. There were many times that I doubted myself, and I think that partly contributed to my most recent anxiety episode. I've been in the new job for just over 3 months and I'm getting on well now, so I'm pleased that I did accept the promotion.

Always remember that if your employer didn't think you would be able to cope, they wouldn't have offered you the new position. If there is anything you find difficult in the new job, don't be afraid to ask for additional training or support if you feel you need it.

Good luck in your new job! :)

12-11-12, 23:24
Congratulations on getting the job promotion!!! Your boss wouldnt want to promote you if you wasnt good enough! so believe in your self! you can do it!! :)

I hope you get on ok with moving etc, and i understand about leaving your cat behind, my cats are my babies and i might have to be leaving them this month also because i am moving and i am not looking forward to that, as it will put my panic attacks through the roof!!.

I really hope everything works out for you! Ever want to chat just message me :) xx