View Full Version : Help!

13-11-12, 05:15
Hi I haven't been on here for a while but can feel myself slipping back into a dark hole. I've been working out a lot as well as working full time and noticed an ache in my left side just around my lower back area then when I was doing weights I noticed a bulge under my rib so spent the afternoon poking and prodding now a few weeks on I be convinced myself I am riddled with cancer and I've started feelin faint I can't stop crying. I've been given a promotion at work to bank manager and I'm now questioning myself whether I can do it or not. Can anyone relate to this please help me before I go mad xxx

---------- Post added at 05:15 ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 ----------


13-11-12, 09:20
Oh libby, Poor you. It's not nice thinking about these things, I've been in the dark hole so I feel for you. I know I'm not a health professional so I cant give you proper advice. I remember having promotion at work a few years ago & was full of doubts. Its really unfortunate that the problem you've noticed in your back is happening right now because that's going to heighten your doubts about the job. What I remember telling myself (and other people telling me by way of reassurance) is that your bosses obviously feel you do have the qualities to fulfil the role and that's a huge pat on the back for you. It's a responsible role so that's probably triggering feelings too. When do you start? But hey, you must be a very capable person for sure. You probably know the answer regarding your health worry - i.e. make an appointment to see your doctor. It's quite likely related to the weights but the only way to know for sure is make that appointment. I'm hoping this is helpful to you.

13-11-12, 13:09
Hi I haven't been on here for a while but can feel myself slipping back into a dark hole. I've been working out a lot as well as working full time and noticed an ache in my left side just around my lower back area then when I was doing weights I noticed a bulge under my rib so spent the afternoon poking and prodding now a few weeks on I be convinced myself I am riddled with cancer and I've started feelin faint I can't stop crying. I've been given a promotion at work to bank manager and I'm now questioning myself whether I can do it or not. Can anyone relate to this please help me before I go mad xxx

---------- Post added at 05:15 ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 ----------


If you're anything like me then the healthy anxiety is a displaced anxiety from your worries about the promotion. Sort of like part of you is scared that you won't be up to the job and this is it's way of trying to persuade you to give up the promotion to restore you to your normal unworried state.

Obviously going to the doc will give you immediate reassurance, but perhaps you could try a short term series of counselling appointments just to get you through the job transition and allow you to voice your worries (because I would bet that is what is really up, that part of you is worried you're not good enough for this and that you won't cope, even if it feels like it is the state of your body which is making you worry).

I would bet that once you start the job and get busy with it, you'll feel a lot better.

13-11-12, 17:01
thanx guys i read the thread on ibs and that immediately calmed me down and i started to feel better prob due to the facts on that im experiencing its insane how our minds make us feel physically unwell i appreciate your comments thank you xxx:hugs: