View Full Version : Sore Throat, etc. really frightened

13-11-12, 09:30
I have a phobia of illness, a huge fear of things such as fainting etc. and right now I am petrified and home alone till 4pm. I just want my mum home :-( she is at work.

For 6 days now I've had a sore throat, for 2 days I had a low grade fever with it, presume this as was very hot in head and sweaty I can just seem to tell. I woke up in the night last night for a wee and when I got up everything went black for a very long time and felt dizzy/faint. Things have gone black before but never for that long. I put it to back of my mind thinking it'd be gone by the morning. Woke up this morning with a headache and neckache. Then when I got up for breakfast etc. everything went black for ages again, it keeps doing so whenever I get up :'( I am so dizzy dizzier then I have ever felt and feel rubbish and faint. I had breakfast as I was hungry and just lay on the sofa but then I got up again.. and the blackness/faint/dizzy feeling :'( now I am back in bed shaking so much feeling crap and petrified, praying I will be fine. I am so scared, I just want my mum home and I have no idea what is wrong with me/what I have :'( My mum has a cold, but she doesn't have sore throat dizziness, etc. she has the sniffles.. that's it. And doesn't feel crap with it. I had a cold 2 weeks or so ago. This has literally just been feeling under the weather and a bad throat for days. With slight fever and now this dizziness I can't explain how terrified I am and hate fact I am alone and dont know what to do :'( praying i will be fine :'( shaking so much

13-11-12, 09:37
It will be the sore throat and slight temperature that is making you feel so ill and dizzy. Make sure you drink plenty of water/juice today and when you need to get up just sit up on the edge of the bed for a few minutes before you stand up. :hugs:

13-11-12, 09:46
I have the water filter by my bed so I don't have to keep topping up my water downstairs. I am so shaken up and frightened as I have never felt so dizzy before or faint and things have never gone black for ages before :-( I hope I will be fine, I am so frightened especially as I am home alone and all I want is my mum as pathetic as that sounds as I am freaking out.. and health anxiety part also worrying it's something more or I will faint or something, I pray I won't. Absolutely terrified beyond belief. I nearly told my mum this morning before she went to work about my headache as I just felt rubbish and don't get headaches much so I knew I wasn't feeling up to par but I didn't I presumed it'd pass I am so afraid it' s horrible. :-( hoping I will be fine and this passes soon :-( thank you for your reply ox

13-11-12, 09:57
I am sure you will be fine, why don't you try to sleep for a while to see if your headache goes. Put some relaxing music on and rest. Do you have any paracetamols you can take for your headache? :hugs: xx

13-11-12, 10:05
I hope so. I woke up at 6:30am and lay in bed for ages, its very rare I can nap during the day. For some reason my body never lets me take naps once I am awake. I have developed a sudden cough too out the blue and watery eyes. Ugh :( coughs terrify me too and silly as it sounds but they do I get scared in case I cough too much :-( hope i won't. so awful when you are so frightened of something. I don't know if I have tablets if I do not sure where they'd be. ox

13-11-12, 10:13
Just make sure you drink plenty then, it does like you have a bad cold and you need to rest. Put some nice music on and lie down and try to relax (I know that isn't easy to do). Don;t be frightened, it is just a cold and cough and so many people get them this time of year. :hugs:

13-11-12, 10:23
Thank you.. I will try.. it's so hard being so scared :-( ox