View Full Version : Worries of brain tumour

13-11-12, 09:57
Hey I posted about 5 months ago about this feeling on the side of my head that was pressuring my eye. I went to the opticians they said there was no pressure behind my eyes but put a muscle strengthener in my glasses. This helps a great deal, but when i take the glasses off the pressure is there straight away in my right eye, and it is painful to look left for a long period of time. I think it is becoming worse, and when i press in the corner of my right eye there is a small lump, but im not sure if this is just part of my normal anatomy (however its not on the other eye)

I queried whether it was to do with my wisdom teeth coming through, but im 100% its not now.
However, I have knots on the right side of my back, on the shoulder blade and up the right side of my neck. These are really painful pressure points and when massaged send pains up my neck and into my head that can sometimes relieve the pressure up there. Is this even possible as an explanation???
Has anyone else had pains/pressure in their head/around their eye that could be linked to muscle tension in the back (i have been having shooting pains in the right side recently as well).

Would really appreciate any feedback as im increasingly worried its a brain tumour but too scared to go to the doctors :( ive been planning my goodbyes and everything:scared15:

13-11-12, 11:05
I was like you for 6 years. I have only accepted its not a tumour. I used to have visions of me in a hospital bed dieing and i would cry all the time.
I suffer headaches but they vary in places, occasional tingling down right side, my visions bad and i have tinnitus. But all is ok with me. I guess its something i will havento live with.
But go to your gp and say how u feel. Trust me u will feel so much better when uve told them. They will examine you and test ur memory and balance, etc and see how you go from there
Good luck xxx

---------- Post added at 11:05 ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 ----------

Also i have neck pain and stiffness and the tops of my back hurts. I think thats tension and maybe yours is too xx

13-11-12, 11:25
Hi I would go to GP and explain your concerns, they will be able to reassure you and as previous post said give you some basic balance/strength tests to check all is ok. I had a brain MRI in September to look for a suspected tumour, which came back clear, but the symptoms I originally had still persist. Neurologist I saw said that tension in neck and back can cause a lot of problems in the head area, pain dizziness etc . My dad had a brain tumour and he NEVER complained of a feeling of pressure. Talk to your doctor for peace of mind :flowers:

13-11-12, 11:40
thanks guys, i know i have to accept the only way for me to feel any better is to go to a doctor. ive been holding off for 5 months...
the reason i came on here this morning was because the shooting pain in the right side of my head was more extreme today than ever, when i lifted my head off of my pillow it was instant. and then again when i sat down on the chair. and again when i went to brush my teeth...but actually i had a massage on the knots in my back last night...im trying to link it all and rationalise it but i guess i wont have peace of mind unless i get real medical help. im gonna book an appt, thank you!

13-11-12, 12:09
Hi Amy just curious, did the massage help at all, been thinking about having one to see if it relieves my neck tension :)

13-11-12, 12:22
You dont sound like you have anything to worry about. I used to get neuralgia which was shooting pains down my face which i was given meds for.
Get an appointent tomorrow and please let me no how u get on xxx

16-11-12, 15:46
I still havent booked the appt..
I just cant bring myself to do it. The shooting pain is still there...
can neuralgia be in the head as well?
and yes the massage did help :) it was more of pressing on the knots really hard...and I've had the shooting pains frequently ever since...
I guess I want help, but im too scared that ill be told its a brain tumour.. i keep telling myself i'd rather just carry on and not know about it. x

16-11-12, 16:02
Hi yes I was told by GP neuralgia can cause pains in the head, I think there are a few different types of neuralgia and not sure which one is which. I know how scary it is visiting the doctors, I waited 5 months to show GP a lump on my collar bone, I was so convinced I was dying and that it was cancer that I just ignored it but sat at home worrying and imaging the worse. When I eventually showed it them it was a relief as they said straight away it was nothing serious. I know how you feel, but it is best to check with GP for your own peace of mind.

16-11-12, 16:27
Yes neuralgia in the head can occur hun x