View Full Version : Stomach bug

13-11-12, 12:13
Hi all,

so my wife became suddenly ill last night. Alot of vomiting and diarrea. She has stopped vomiting but her tummy is in real discomfort and feels like she wants to throw up but cant.

Not sure if this is going around or not.

Is there anything she can take to ease her tummy?

Im a bit concerned I might get it and our 8 month old daughter.

I did have a flu bug 2 weeks ago which lasted about a week. Maybe my immune systems will fight this one off??

13-11-12, 12:18
Unfortunately there are a few of these bugs going around at the moment. Plenty of water to drink and only eat the BRAT diet for a day or two until the bug is out of the system. (Banana's, Rice, Applesauce & toast), Hope you and your daughter don't catch it.

13-11-12, 13:52
Thanks Annie