View Full Version : Worst day of my life

13-11-12, 12:36
Just had the worst panic attack ever.....sitting sipping my tea watching my daughter play with her toys and.....wooossshhh!!!!! it hit me palpitations, sweating, sicky feeling couldnt breathe.....i honestly thought that was the end of me :( I stood up holding onto the sofa and down i went!!! why is this happening to me?? I always worry about my daughter as she is disabled and worry what will happen if i die......who is strong enough to look after her and care for her like i do........i just want to enjoy my daughter and our life and my anxiety and panic attacks are holding me back!!! what do i do???? so depressed today!!!

13-11-12, 13:24
I am really sorry about your panic attack. You mentioned that you were drinking tea, was is decaffeinated? If not you could be consuming too much caffeine. It is a stimulant and gets the adrenaline going.

You will be OK and so will your daughter.

Take care.

13-11-12, 14:18
Im sorry to hear about the panic attack you had, I have also found the drinking Decaffeinated tea helps stop as much panic attacks.

You will be okay! :) x

13-11-12, 15:44
Hi Sassy,
Sorry to hear you have had a panic attack :-( I know they are awful and very scary!
I see a few readers have mentioned caffeine......I personally dont think this has caused you to have a panic attack. I take it you drink tea regularly? so it may not have helped your body but I doubt triggered it.
Remember that a panic attack will 9 times out of 10 come out of the blue and at the worst possible time!
Your body is probably very stressed at the moment after all that adrenaline so I suggest a nice relaxing bath and early night. And PLEASE dont let a panic attack pull you down the reality is everyone has them at some point in there life, they wont kill you and the worst thing you can do is worry about them or there affects.
I hope this has bought you a little comfort. Stay strong -x-

13-11-12, 16:34
Thank you all for replying to my post...I do drink decaf prob 3 cups a day and then water for the reat of the day!! I like the sound of a bath and early night hehe. I just worry about my daughter a few ocasions ive had a panic attack while out for a walk with her and where we live is very secluded surrounded by fields not many houses!! i know i over think things and thats when i have the worst attacks what if i collapse in the middle of the road...what if someone takes my daughter and they ceed her the wrong food....oh dear im doing it again :( hard to not think about these things and i know this is what causes most of my attacks!!! suppose im just an overprotective mother who worriea way too much about things