View Full Version : Conversation has me worried

Anxious lu
13-11-12, 12:37
Everyone at university is talking about medical things

My friends mebtioned how her 18 year old boyfriend had a stroke and what happened and the lecturer started telling a story about his cousin having a brain annurisim ..

It's a law lecture I don't want to hear it.. Tryin do hard to ignore or but it will be popping up back in my mind later I bet..!!

13-11-12, 13:20
Hi Lucy.

What you heard is a real shame someone of that age having a stroke and the lecturers cousin having a brain annurism. All real medical things that can and could happen to anyone.

But you have to put that to the back of your mind and then let it slip away and focus on the other things you are doning in your life.

I have known 3 (yes 3) people that have won the Lottery and my former school did at one stage have the highest amount of lottery winners also all I hear about in my area is who has just brought this and that house for 3 million and so on 5miles from my house we have more millionires per square foot than anwhere else in the uk.

But after all that I'm still Bloody poor.

Do you get my point just because you think things are a sign that you will become ill or suffer like other peolpe. It does not mean anything.

I'm still waiting on my millions:)