View Full Version : Neverending cold/ear and throat infections!

13-11-12, 17:01
Help guys im really scared now, I haven't been 'well' since September really.
I've had constant sinus issues, ear pain and colds.
Currently I'm suffering from a pain in my ear each time I swallow like a lump.

I am worried there is an underlying issue here i.e cancer or something else that's sinister lowering my immune system.
I have been to the docs and she looked in my ear, said I had some mucous round my.ear drim but they didn't give out antibiotics for sinus issues

---------- Post added at 17:01 ---------- Previous post was at 14:27 ----------

somebody help!

13-11-12, 17:03
Mr Dr told me that nothing is as effective at lowering the immune system as stress.

13-11-12, 17:15
Sometimes colds are just so hard to get rid of and hang on for ages. As Elle-Kay said stress also lowers our immune systems and I tend to get everything going when I am stressed. x

13-11-12, 19:29

I've been ill with the same thing since september. I've had throat and ear problems and vertigo. Today I've come down with another awful cold, sore throat, ear ache etc and I'm terrified I will get vertigo again and that it's all being caused by some serious illness.

I know how you feel and it's horrible.

Feel better soon xx

13-11-12, 19:40
I have noticed that I get cold and sinus symptoms every month before my period. I looked it up online and seems like it's pretty common. I have no idea what causes it, but it seems to happen for me a few days each month at the moment.

13-11-12, 19:49
do you have any allergies? when my sinus infections kept reoccurring i got allergy tested and that helped me figure out the cause.

13-11-12, 20:21
I don't know of any allergies but I do have a little bit of mold in my room.
How would I get allergy tested?

13-11-12, 20:24
I don't know the procedure in the UK with the NHS, I would think you'd have to speak with your GP? I wouldn't know. Over here, I just went to a local allergist who did the skin test and found out I was allergic to dust, mold, and my cat among other things.

---------- Post added at 15:24 ---------- Previous post was at 15:23 ----------

you could also try taking an anti-histamine, if it is allergy-related that might help.

13-11-12, 20:25
My GP sent me for allergy tests, I am allergic to the house dust mite.

14-11-12, 10:05
Your GP can refer you for allergy testing, or you can pay to have it done privately.