View Full Version : Triptafen

16-08-06, 18:17
Hi there
Well on my 3rd week of this - started on l0mg,then20mg last week and now 30mg at bedtime. I have noticed I feel calmer and less anxious but today I felt really breathless and as thats always triggerred my panic attacks Im fed up with it - I know all my panic attacks are caused by feeling I cant breathe and tight chest and just want to get out and run away from situations. Having said that - I stayed at work and continued serving and just tried to calmly breathe but it upsets me that its still there lurking in the background. !!! Trying not to think about it coz that would mean I was waiting for it to happen and encouraging it to be a problem - I just want it all to go away and let me be the happy laughing 46 year old nutter I used to be!!! Love wenjoy x

16-08-06, 18:48
Hello Wenjoy, take it steady mate, you are doing ok:D
From one happy laughing nutter to another, here's a big purple hug !

Dave x

17-08-06, 06:48
Thanks Dave - much appreciated - wonder if anyone else out there feels the same as I do?? Wenjoy x

17-08-06, 22:41
I am in the same boat. and I want to return to the laughing happy nutters club. I have just started taking med which i can't spell or pronounce. I have been on them for three days and I am waiting to feel better.

but this eveing for the first time in weeks i feel a little better. I try and remember you don't know what nice and happy things are round the corner and how near they are.

Keep going!

18-08-06, 07:30
Thanks Mims

I know what you mean - I used to never worry about anything - would run down the street singing and being daft - even in my forties but now I worry about everything - and then I get so cross with myself!!! Anyhow - POSITIVITY is the key - Im sure x love wenjoy x