View Full Version : Dislocated shoulder - Tramadol - Panic!

13-11-12, 16:09
Hi all,

I had a horrible accident whilst playing sport and have dislocated my shoulder - unbelievable amounts of pain!! It was stuck behind my head, so horrible! Luckily my teammate is a doctor and popped it back in but it's still ridiculously painful.

I went to A&E and got an Xray and they prescribed me Tramadol and Neproxin (?) and they put me in a sling.

This was on Saturday, and ever since then i've felt so so horrible - i'm exhausted, falling asleep at my desk at work, dizzy and woozy, feeling nauseous and excessively anxious again! Last night I convinced myself I was losing weight on my face, and started googling things until I was in a complete panic :(

Do you think it's the painkillers making me feel like this? I'm so worried it's something really bad! I want to stop taking the pills but my arm is still so so painful.

Any advice would be amazing!

Love Kittenface :blush:

13-11-12, 16:11
My understanding is that Tramadol is a strong painkiller, so it's quite possible that it is making you feel this way. I took 4 Cocodamol (not at the same time!) yesterday, and felt drowsy and slightly nauseous all day.

13-11-12, 16:19
It will be the painkillers, I got tramadol when I fractured my foot and They made me drowsy and sick. My son had them after his operation and he didn't feel good with them either. :hugs:

13-11-12, 17:54
I dislocated my shoulder years ago and then due to lack of sense did it a good few time more...I can still remember the pain and every dent in the road as I went to hospital...what ever about pain killer, you must allow a good time to rest and let your shoulder fully recover otherwise it will keep happening.
Take care
You mentioned "team mate"...what sport?

13-11-12, 18:42
Yes, I think it is the Tramadol, I can't take is as it makes me excessively anxious. To the point of total panic and agitation until the drug is out of my system.
Tramadol is a very weak μ-opioid receptor agonist, induces serotonin release, and inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine.

13-11-12, 19:07
It could be either of the pain killers, honestly. I was on both at one point and actually I was put on naproxen first, which made me vomit a lot, so then they put me on tramadol which didn't make me vomit but made me sleep and exhausted. So it could be either one.