View Full Version : Should I try for a 2nd baby?

13-11-12, 16:28
Hello! My daughter is 3 and I’m currently feeling very indecisive about having a 2nd child. My biggest fear is will I cope? Although I was lucky enough to have a good first pregnancy and straightforward birth I worry about going through it all again as I know all pregnancies/births are different. Also I'm 36 now and worry about the risks of having a baby at this age or later. A big part of me would love another baby and for my daughter to have a brother or sister but will my anxieties get in the way?
Also when I had my daughter I suffered terribly with the 'baby blues' (on day 3 or 4) and was told I was bordering on having Postnatal Depression but luckily for me after my hormones had adjusted I felt a lot better. Are there any mums out there who can tell me if you feel better mentally (if that makes sense) after having your 2nd child?

I'll be truly grateful for any replies, thank you in advance

13-11-12, 16:34
I think this is something that varies with everyone and none of us are able to predict if we will be more or less anxious with a second baby. My first baby slept through from 6 weeks old and my second screamed all night until he was 1 so for me I was more anxious with my second but that doesn't mean that you will be. x