View Full Version : Electric shock sensations in head???

16-08-06, 18:44
This may sound strange but ive suffered with panic disorder for quite a while, at some times worse than others, but was just wondering does anyone else get electric shock type sensations in their head??? Very strange feeling?? hard to explain but almost unbearable with a dizzy feeling too??
Am i strange??

16-08-06, 18:50
i get like cold chills down my head, i always think its the meds working- giving you more serotonin like a spark from one side of ur brain to another, and then like a fuzzy head feeling

we are all stronger people after having this

Two heads
16-08-06, 19:54
I get this sometimes and have complain to doctor a bout it.He said its adrenaline!
I dont no how true this is but thre you go.I only got it i thnk when i started meds.xx

16-08-06, 19:57
me too twoheads, thats wot i mean by the chemicals altering in your brain cos of meds i think

we are all stronger people after having this

16-08-06, 20:27

Me too! I get the cold chill feeling which can feel a bit like a shock. I always describe the feeling I get after that as being like a 'fizzing' in my head. I imagine it to be like when you watch AlkaSeltzer fizzing in a glass.


16-08-06, 20:53
i get this although my electric shock feeling is more in my chest than my head> i do get it in my head but because i dont fear it it gradually goes


polly daydream
17-08-06, 00:08
Me too, I get the electric shock feeling in the head and cold drip sensations, you defo aren't alone Anna.

Take care,


17-08-06, 09:24

I get what I call my head pains. Like Instant throbs in my head, in all different places. It almost feels like i need to pop something in my head

Does that sound weird?

Hay x

30-09-08, 16:08
hi guys,

would i be right in saying that am i the only gent who suffers from these?, I've had these kind of electric shocks running through my head for the past 14 years or so, i still remember my first one, it was like someone stuck an electric cable inside my ear!, are there any remedies?, is it pure anxiety?, :scared15:

please respond thanks!.


30-09-08, 19:30
hi all i was just about to post a thread on head sensations when i saw this topic

in the last week or so i get what i can only explain as a head rush and throbbing and fullness in my ears for a few seconds when i get up after sitting still for a while . it isnt a pain

its hard to explain can anyone relate to this is this the electric shock sensations you are refering too

Patrick S
01-10-08, 14:11
I've been getting these on the left side of my head for the past couple of months. The super paranoid side of me keeps thinking it's a brain tumor. It freaks me out and I did mention it to my doctor but he seemed more interested in getting me in & out as soon as possible that I don't think he was listening.

But it is really reassuring to know that you guys have the same issue. It's good to feel that you are not alone.

08-10-08, 08:47
I have just started to get these electric shock sensations, happened yesterday, stopped me in my tracks with worry.

Are they normal under anxiety?


08-10-08, 09:17
I call them head tingles,

usually i can put my finger exactley where it is happening and it used to be my pre-warning before a big attack.


07-12-08, 05:49
hello, i agree with jakie, i mostly get this sensation throughtout my chest areas, but even thought im not on any meds it is still there. i dont know if it is weird but ive had it sense i was 12 and after a while ive found that i can make these occorenses (spelling?) happen at will, my suggestion is that it is caused by anxienty or stress, i dont think there is anything to worry about, i hope i have helped in a small way.

Veronica H
07-12-08, 14:15
Hi Anna

Mine are very similar to yours, a definite electric shock followed by real dizzy spell. (usually have to hold on to something to avoid faling. I have learned not to add fear to this sensation as it is this which keeps the cycle going. It is usually a sign that I am getting anxious and probably not breathing properly. I then slow down a bit, and try not to dwell on it.


07-12-08, 15:22
I've only had the electric shock sensations when I'm withdrawing from an anti depressant. Very nasty. Head zaps like a little firework going off in the brain.

07-12-08, 19:53
no u not strange i have panic disorder and get them a lot with the dizzy feeling also. Dr told me it was the meds i m on dloxatine

18-12-08, 15:42
I have read that these Brain Zaps are meant to occur on withdrawal from AD, however, i was having these sensations before and now during my medication (Citalopram). I can't only describe mine like a sudden jolt in my brain, my whole head feel full, my ears buzz and very quickly follows giddiness. These happens to me generally at night, i wake up with the bolt through my brain, sometimes (not sure if i'm dreaming) i swear i hear a snap!! Then very quickly i can only describe the dizziness as like being really drunk and trying to go to sleep but the room is spinning so much, the first few times it happened it sent me into panic attacks, some of the worst i have experienced in recent times. I still wake in the night with them (night before last), i take my tablets at 5.30pm and am generally in bed at 9pm, always asleep by 10pm, i wake most nights with this at 3-4am!! They can be that predictable with me, however the first few times it happened, i found myself scared to go to sleep the next night!! I always hope it's just my brain trying to adjust itself, my doctor also seems rather disinterested in doing anything other than writing my prescription!

24-01-09, 16:16
I have seen your posting on this forum and I have to say that I have almost the same symptoms.
Currently I'm going off paxil and got this brain zaps too....but I have had them even before I start taking paxil...
I started to have problems 2 years ago
(I think as result from stress from immigration,job searching ,money issue,working 12 h a day,and isolation from community .. I a'm extrovert )when at the morning I could not sleep bcs I got this electric feeling in back head and spinal cord...sometimes it's took 2-3 days to stop..after I felt throat kind of feeling when it is difficult to swallow,sweatting at night ...after couple of DR visits I got Paxil CR 12.5mg later 20 mg which I start taking after 3 months only(I wanted to treat myself with natural products as St John worth ,relaxations,controlling anxiety situations...did not help. ..morning electric zaps were comming and comming I was not able to function...muscle tension,depersonalization ,irritability,enable to concentrate(I'm comp analyst ) So after 2 years on paxil I felt much more better almost like normal human but I gain 18kg even biking every day 24km to and from work),so I could not see myself in mirror so in April 2008 I start decreasing doze very slowly almost over 3 months...and in July i was off
So I switch to natural supplements St.John Worth,fish oil, vitaminB12,C..etc..anyway After 3 months I start getting this brain zaps again and I start waking up at the morning again...now after 6months..I got last week brain zaps now it stops but I feel like train pass over me ...
some idea how to bee free of paxil is welcome..

26-02-09, 12:51
Thank God! I have been having these electric shocks since the age of 18 and im now 45, thought i was losing it......My Doctor looks at me like im a complete nut. I am however on no medication, is there anything out there that can help

27-02-09, 20:29
Thank God! I have been having these electric shocks since the age of 18 and im now 45, thought i was losing it......My Doctor looks at me like im a complete nut. I am however on no medication, is there anything out there that can help

I think its a good sign that youve had this since 18 and now your 45 it shows that its not gona kill ya......I have the same shock sensations but all over which thenturn into dizzy spells crying and sheer panic