View Full Version : A new stage?

13-11-12, 17:25
Hi all, I used to cycle through anxiety, depression and a sense of recovery. Now the anxiety and depression are being dealt with, I've noticed a new "phase". I think this phase was always there but I always thought it was linked to anxiety or depression.

This new phase is kind of a super-wired feeling: massive adrenaline surge, hammering heart, feelings of aggression and frustration, irritability, grumpiness, lack of patience with anyone or anything that slows me down, over-confidence, over-chattiness etc. This used to happen before a depressive blip, but I am now starting to be able to cope with that stuff and my attitude is far less depression-prone these days.

I'm thinking of this as a possible new type of "blip" - an "adrenaline blip". So now there are anxious blips, depressive blips and adrenaline blips.

Does anyone else experience this, or has anyone ever heard of it?

13-11-12, 17:38
I get random butterflies with rush of adrenilin throughtout the day and it scares me and sends my mind on a rampage wondering why the hell is it happening! Drives me nuts. Do u no about propranalol atall?

13-11-12, 17:40
Hi, I have never tried propranolol. What you describe is probably an anxious thought or memory that you didn't consciously notice, which triggered feelings of anxiety. That happens all the time until you start getting into the workings of your anxiety and replacing the fearful thoughts with hopeful ones.

13-11-12, 17:42
think about it....for a long time you have used energy to deal with all the symtoms you have described only too well in your variuous messages (which have been a great help to me) and now if you are getting things under control you will have a huge amount of energy and belief to get on with your own things. Other "normal" people will be plodding around at their usual pace and you will be speeding past - no extra weight to carry.
Like always it will take a time to adjust to being well but enjoy it...the aggression thing might need to be better understood but all sounds good to me.....just my thoughts but I wish you well and thanks again

13-11-12, 18:04
Hi, thanks, I am glad I could help :)

It might be that the nature of my anx/dep is changing. For example when I start feeling low, I am able to talk my way through it since I know why my mood gets low and I can recognise it when an anxious thought sneaks through.

Maybe this "adrenaline blip" is simply what's left over now the anx and dep have backed down a bit. It always seems that when you beat one problem, another one steps up. Once you've got the main problems out of the way you start confronting stuff you don't recognise and it's almost like the recovery has to start again, this time going in a new direction.