View Full Version : Slightly abnormal mole

13-11-12, 20:17
Hello :) I have been suffering from HA for about three years, it gets better and reappears. Now it is one of my bad days again.
One of my biggest fears is melanoma and I am paranoid about my moles, I see a dermatologist regularly and had couple of moles removed.

Last week I noticed a mole I have never noticed before: tiny little one, about 1 mm but somehow irregular with lots of dots inside. Today I went to a mole clinic, a nurse made a special picture and sent it to a dermatologist for a diagnosis. The result was: mole slightly abnormal and I should return in 3 months to have it checked again. I am so scared :scared15: What if they are missing something and in 3 months it will be too late? May be it was better to remove it straight away? I can not relax and keep on googling and this only makes it worse. Help, please!!!

13-11-12, 20:23
I have one on my neck that sounds similar. I saw a specialist about it 20 years ago and they took a photo of it. I have had it checked since and it is still fine. If they thought it was anything serious they would not be telling you to go back in 3 months so I wouldn't worry. x

13-11-12, 20:33
That is what I keep telling myself. Thank you for support!

26-11-12, 20:34
I think they sometimes take photos just so that when you can go back they can check if it has changed at all. It's a good way to monitor these things.

27-11-12, 06:25
you would be called in a lot quicker than three months if the dermatologist was worried.

28-11-12, 14:19
sometimes they don't like to 'over do it' when it comes to removing and traumatizing the skin with so many biopsies which is why they do the wait for changes approach with any 'slightly abnormal' mole. as all have mentioned, if it really looked worrisome they would remove it. I have hundreds of moles as I am fair haired and fair skinned and lol MOST of them are 'wait and see if any changes' because it just doesn't make sense to remove all. I know it can be a little stressful but don't stare or obsess, just pick a time once a month to do a general scan of yourself to monitor ANY changes, otherwise, leave it alone!!

if you stare and obsess constantly you wouldn't notice changes anyway. In addition, if this helps, as a general rule .. even 'abnormal' looking moles are usually fine, as I said I have hundreds that looks 'abnormal' .. it's usually only when they look weird for YOUR body, ie like no other mole you've ever had .. then you should monitor for changes. even then likely to be nothing but the doc knows what to look for, just get it checked out and no big deal :)

28-11-12, 17:31
Thank you guys for your support! I have shown the mole to my GP and she thinks that it doesn't look scary at all :)

However I am trying to get an approval from my insurance to have it removed simply because I can not stop checking it all the time. I know that 99.9% the mole is fine but it just drives me crazy and I can't relax. I hate being a hypochondriac, I feel like my life is being stolen :weep: