View Full Version : Hi (newbie)

13-11-12, 20:26

Virgin poster so please be gentle :D

Quick bit about myself. I think I have suffered with border line anxiety for many years. I've had IBS for over 10 years which I now believe was linked to anxiety* However, in April this year, I had a full blown panic attack - that was the beginning. I was a week away from getting made redundant and 3 months from getting married.

I have been in panic mode ever since. I've had regular CBT therapy which has helped a bit (my wife keeps pointing out how far i've come, even though it doesn't feel like it:unsure:)

My main symptom of anxiety is horrendous dizzy spells. It literally feels like I'm on a boat in a super heavy sea and is majorly getting me down :weep:

I've completely shut off. I used to be fairly outgoing (I was in a band for 14 years - but I can't even bring myself to pick the guitar up now)

That's it for now :)

13-11-12, 20:28
A very warm :welcome: cubist.

13-11-12, 20:29
Thanks Bobby :)

13-11-12, 20:30
Hi :welcome:

13-11-12, 20:36
Thanks Annie.

P.s. anyone advise me on how to add an Avatar?

EDIT: never mind.. sorted now ;)

13-11-12, 20:36
Hi cubist

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-11-12, 20:37
Hello & :welcome:

There are many lovely people here who have felt or still feel like you do. I hope this site helps you as much as it has helped me.

Kitti :)

13-11-12, 21:04
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

Hope this site does help.

13-11-12, 21:06
Hi ya, don't let it get you down, your wife is seeing through her eyes and you are seeing through a slightly distorted mind. Believe your wife is what I am saying. I first suffered when my daughter was born 6 years ago and it took a very long time to start feeling normal again. There is no quick fix but by remaining positive and taking small steps every day you will get there. All the best

13-11-12, 21:10
you are seeing through a slightly distorted mind.

:yesyes: No arguments there haha.

She's been amazing through this, can't fault her at all.