View Full Version : taking a break

13-11-12, 21:05
Hi all

I've been doing some hard thinking recently and I've decided to take a break from nmp (mainly the chatroom).

Life has been horrible to alot of people close to me recently and I find all my energy going to supporting them. Chat seems to be making me worse at the moment due to dramas and misunderstanding, and to be honest its all a bit petty in the scheme of things.

This is a big step for me as I normally spend alot of time in chat as I find it a good source of distraction and friendly banter. To those who I am close to from nmp, they have my facebook so can catch me on there.

To all who read this, life is too short, and you never know what is around the corner, so stop thinking about what ifs, be kind to yourself and get out there and live your life.

Love to all

Jac xx

oh no_1
14-11-12, 08:16
i was thinking exactly the same thing jac..... we all want to try and support each other but do feel we need a break once in a while.

i admire you for doing this and hope i can too.

you are also very right life is too short....