View Full Version : anxiety if people do not comment

13-11-12, 21:35
Has anyone ever posted, and seen the 'views' go up - however not have many (or any comments) and stressed about this : )
Just wondering if I am the only one. I think there are a lot of people who read, but don't log in to comment. But being an anxiety sufferer, I take this to mean that they think I am doomed : 0
Just wondering if I am the only one

Anxious lu
13-11-12, 21:37
People often open your posts to read for their own reassurance.. dont worry

eight days a week
13-11-12, 21:39
It happens all the time, people read but they don't reply. Unfortunately it's the nature of the website, I think, but it does NOT mean anything about your post :)

13-11-12, 21:40
hi x if you need a chat im here x sarah x:)

13-11-12, 21:40
I read all the posts but don't reply if I have no knowledge on the problem or don't think I can help at all.

13-11-12, 21:54
Oh - it happens to me all the time....Maybe some people have anxiety about replying too! Man anxiety is just one big circle isn't it!! :-)

13-11-12, 22:38
I am like Nicola, I reply if I have personal or professional knowledge of the issue, but if I don't feel I can be of help I sometimes don't. Maybe I should just reply with a message of support, but that would not really answer the question posed. It certainly doesn't mean that people think that you have a huge worry. Hope you get some informed answers in future. X

14-11-12, 10:51
I think if a HA sufferer posts here asking for reassurance, getting no replies might just reinforce the fears in their minds that they really DO have something serious and no one can even help with that, and everyone is avoiding the post because they are afraid of upsetting them further! lol. Like everyone else has said, I don't reply to posts if I don't have sufficient knowledge to respond.... I am sure false reassurance is no reassurance at all.

14-11-12, 12:07
I got no replies once and convinced myself it was because people reading it didnt want to reply and scare me