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14-11-12, 00:50
my son had a urine test and its shows that he is leaking protine! And his blood work that was done in may showed his blood protine level was elivated by 1. What does this mean? Please tell me what you know. He is 15 years old. I am thinking the worst right now, please help

14-11-12, 00:52
What did the doctor's say it could be Lisa?

I assume you mean protein as well?

14-11-12, 01:04
He didnt tell me what it could be, im not sure if it was because brandon was in the room with me. I am so scared I do not want to lose my son

14-11-12, 01:08
If it was serious they would have him in hospital. I have had protein in my wee before and on a retest it was fine.

So what are they doing now then?

14-11-12, 01:29
in 2006 he was in the hospital for blood and protien leaking into his urine and his feet swelled up like crazy. They then said it was because of the strep throat virus. He is 15 now and how I got it check was he was playing hockey and had a really really bad hit to his hip that would have been last sunday. The first person who checked said that his pee just showed that he was slightly dehidrated. When he went for x rays in the morning and had to do a repeat test of his urine and it showed protein in his urine. Then I took him today for a follow up and it showed protein in his pee. Then in the blood work that the doctor had done in May, showed that his protein was 1 higher then normal. I am so scared.

14-11-12, 01:38
But they must be doing something if it is serious. The blood tests were back in May!!

Surely they are telling you something and not just saying he has protein in his wee off you go. I am confused.

Like I said loads of people get protein in their wee and it means nothing so why does this mean it is serious with him can I ask?

14-11-12, 01:47
I have to go to bed now it is nearly 2am here but I will catch up with this tomorrow

14-11-12, 01:53
that is why i am freaking out! I have no answers. I only found out about the blood tests today, when I went back for his results in may he said everything came back good. So I didnt worry, then i go back today and all this. Yes they told me he had protein in his wee and sent me home. The doctor said that he would book him an ultrasound and do blood work tomorrow. I hate that I have no answers at all.

---------- Post added at 01:53 ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 ----------

Nicloa its serious with him because hes my son. I love him, and I just want him healthy.

14-11-12, 02:36
Hi, I have no experience of this myself but my brother had kidney stones not long ago and during the diagnosis process, they wanted to test the protein levels in his urine so to see if he had a kidney or urinary tract infection.
It can also be linked to something as simple as dehydration.
I understand that you are worried but protein in blood/urine seems like quite a general symptom, possibly caused by many things and that is probably why you have no definite answers yet.
At least the doctor is following this up with more tests.

It's past 2am here in the UK so not many people are going to be online! Hopefully you get some answers from people who have more experience with this tomorrow. :hugs:

14-11-12, 08:09
I don't know if this will help or not but several times when I was pregnant I had protein in urine and no one was concerned. Maybe he has a bit of a lingering kidney infection? It's good the gp is doing a scan though cos it'll put your mind at rest xxx

14-11-12, 08:48
I have had protein in my wee and my doctor told me this is quite common especially in an early morning sample. When it was retested later in the day the protein had disappeared. My doctor said it was nothing to worry about. Blood in urine is usually a sign of an infection in urine and usually antibiotics are the answer. Your son is only 15 so it is very unlikely to be anything serious. If the doctor thought it was he would be doing urgent scans and tests.

14-11-12, 09:01
I had protein in my pee when I had a urinary tract infection, my doctor told me to drink more water and gave me antibiotics. I didn't have bad health anxiety at the time so I didn't bother to get retested, that was three and a half years ago. I am still well and alive, have had my urine tested a few times since then and occasionally my protein is high, usually it is ok. They have offered me a camera up my urethra (can't remember what it is called) to see if there is a reason for my recurring bladder infections, but i haven't had one in about 18 months so I haven't bothered.

On the other hand, my dad had protein in his urine, so the doctor ran bloods which were borderline for something and he got retested 6 weeks later. Protein was still slightly high but falling. They had him back again and it went back to normal. They suspected an infection but as he had no other symptoms and it cleared up on its own, they decided not to investigate further.
It can mean nothing. Protein in urine on it's on does not specifically mean anything, it is more about what other symptoms you are suffering from at the same time. It is common though and in itself nothing to worry about.

15-11-12, 21:29
Just an update! My sons blood work all came back normal and he had his ultrasound yesterday and that came back normal as well. that is all good but now I am wondering what could be the cause of the kidneys leaking protein??

Anxious lu
16-11-12, 00:15
I had protein in my urine once they said just mention it next time you see your doc.. I didn't mind as they wasnt very concearned.. A got a uti about a month later .. Probably want keeping myself hydrated enough and got a small infection.. May be the same with your son

---------- Post added at 00:15 ---------- Previous post was at 00:14 ----------

also I've had a uti sinse and there was blood in my urine.. Didn't worrye just drank plenty of water I'm sure he is fine

16-11-12, 00:58
Lisa - loads of us have had this before in tests and on re-test it has been fine so please try not to read too much into it.

16-11-12, 01:47
Lisa I think your Son will be fine hun:)

Like a lot of other people here, I too have had protein show up in my urine several times.

My GP has never been concerned as she told me that it's only in tiny amounts and that it's very common for it to show up without there being a problem. As has been said, a lot depends on when the urine sample was taken and how much you've been drinking as protein is more likely to show up if the urine is concentrated.

I'm sure that if your GP was at all concerned, they would have ordered further tests.

It really is very common and very rarely does it mean there's anything wrong hun.

It's good that his blood test results came back good, sounds like he's very healthy to me.

I know you're finding it hard, but try to trust your doctor. Doctors are very highly trained and they will know if something needs further investigation, my train of thought is, if my doctor isn't concerned then neither am I.

Have you actually discussed the results with your doctor?? or had the surgery given you the results? If you haven't discussed the results with your doctor, I think it would be for the best if you did that and have them explain everything to you and reassure you that all is well.

You are going to keep getting yourself in a frenzy if you don't let this go, that will, in turn, make you stressed and that is not a healthy thing for you.