View Full Version : Awake!!!!

14-11-12, 05:26
Anyone else awake and wanting to chat.....going through awful time
woke with panic.....just need some one to talk me through it please
Sorry if it seems like all I do is winge at this time of the morning....also wondering I only too my Prozac at 3.30am could this be the reason I woke like this.....anyone else taken Prozac late and found its made them feel this way
Just desperate to find out why this keeps happening to me the terrifying feeling of panic

14-11-12, 05:39
Hi Manda I'm new here, and I'm awake due to insomnia. I'm also on Prozac. Have you been on the prozac long?

14-11-12, 05:46
Hi shabby
Have been on/off Prozac many years this time been on it since 2004, but
starting to think I maybe need a change.....how long have you been on it and what
time do you take your dose

14-11-12, 05:50
Maybe you need to speak to your doctor to see if you need a change? Or it could just be a bad patch you're going through?
I've been on prozac for about 2years :) I was on citalopram before that, and I've also tried venelaxafine and mirtazapine . I'm on 20mg of prozac. How about you?

14-11-12, 05:59

I was on Prozac twice.Always took it quite early in the morning but not at 3.30 a.m.. It might be an effect of when you take it.or just anxiety stopping you sleeping.Prozac's effect stays in the body for 15/16 hours .

I would discuss this with your GP as many pills give insomnia but usually if taken before you go to bed. Good Luck

14-11-12, 06:04
I have to go to sleep now, so take care :) x

14-11-12, 06:14
Ricardo yes I think it could be the time I take it, which might be the cause

Yes I've tried the same antidepressants as you but I never got past the first 3/4 weeks on them because of the Sid effects and ended up back on Prozac..... maybe I should
of given them more time to see if they would of worked, I wonder also if Prozac is meant for actual anxiety and its only good for depression..... So confusing really , I know I will be scared to change but I cannot carry on like this my moods are also very erratic and I have episodes of being very tearful, my GP has referred me on to see a psychiatrist because she feels this is the best person to find a suitable antidepressant for me
Can I ask what do you suffer that you take Prozac for

14-11-12, 06:24
Ricardo yes I think it could be the time I take it, which might be the cause

Yes I've tried the same antidepressants as you but I never got past the first 3/4 weeks on them because of the Sid effects and ended up back on Prozac..... maybe I should
of given them more time to see if they would of worked, I wonder also if Prozac is meant for actual anxiety and its only good for depression..... So confusing really , I know I will be scared to change but I cannot carry on like this my moods are also very erratic and I have episodes of being very tearful, my GP has referred me on to see a psychiatrist because she feels this is the best person to find a suitable antidepressant for me
Can I ask what do you suffer that you take Prozac for

I'm sorry to hear you didn't have much luck on the others.
I actually have anxiety, it's a pain. I have crazy panic attacks and had to give up my job after my then boss bullying me and I had some terrible panic attacks, that included palpitations and feelings of dying.
I think citalopram is meant to be good for anxiety. When is your appointment with the psychiatrist?

14-11-12, 06:31
just waiting for letter through the post which should be here any day.....do you find the Prozac helps your panic and anxiety better than the others you tried....how do you get through the panic, what do you find helps you

14-11-12, 06:40
For me the prozac has helped, but everyone is different and things change, but at the moment it's ok. When I'm in a panic I don't think straight at all, but I read in a book that to remind yourself the panic attack won't last long and it won't kill you, so I try to tell myself that now.
Do you have any friends or family that can help you out when you're having an attack?
Oh yeah, I've also cut out a lot of caffeine from my diet which I think has helped me.

14-11-12, 07:47
Miss Shabby

As you say everyone is different.I have stated previously that over the last 7/8 years i have been on prozac twice and in each instanse had completely different side effects and I came off them as recently as 4 weeks ago as side effects were worse than the anxiety. It gave me a feeling of urine retention and from 3.p.m. onwards I felt I had to wee continuously., when it was actually only a feeling making me more anxious.

I am now back to normal with my weeing but obviously still have massive panic disorder. I have discussed this with my doctor beforehand and though I have an enlarged prostrate it is benign and I am not worried about that anymore.

I think all that prozac does is subdue feelings of anxiety and can make some people calmer,but it doesn't take away the problem. One has to make the effort oneself to face the various challenges oneself to make a breakthrough some with medication as help and others with various other forms of therapy. Easier said than done.