View Full Version : its back

14-11-12, 08:40
hi been on setreline 50mg for 4 weeks now and i have been doing really well on it then yesterday i have like he flu like symtoms headache chills fever sore throat and then i ook 2 beechems andhad panic attacks my anxiety levels r sky high and i feel sick could it be the tables kicking in or generaly a flu coming havent slept all nite and fel really down dont know if the tablets ave stopped working anyone else had this :weep:

14-11-12, 20:17
Poor you! I fin my anxiety is worse when I am poorly, so maybe you are coming down with a bug? X

14-11-12, 21:56
It sounds like a virus, I had tonsillitis a couple of weeks ago and had all the symptoms you describe, hopefully it will pass quickly.:)