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oh no_1
14-11-12, 09:16
anyone find the words of songs get their emotions out...????

the new song pink i like called try..... anyone else heard it...

i have alot of anger and the pink song perfect and others i sometimes when in car on my own sing it in my loudest angriest voice to get out all my emotions as when im in the car is one of only times im alone like from work to home etc so it only time i get on my own and short period to get all my emotions out.

that prob why im bk at dance..... as that get out any emotions without saying a single word as im not good at talking to others, well not bout this sort of stuff.

anyone use music to get out emotions etc etc.... music and dance are good combination.... always try n put on some of my happy tunes when im feeling down to help me get dressed etc.

14-11-12, 10:17
Hey hun,

Songs are definitely emotional for me. Depending on what mood I'm in, will depend on what I listen to and vice versa. I try not to listen to anything that makes me sad though when I'm low. It's interesting you mention pink, I love her music and can really relate to the majority of her songs.

Dance sounds like a brilliant way to get your emotiona out. The only time I dance is when I'm pretty happy though.

Good luck with your competition

oh no_1
14-11-12, 20:36
thanks il need all the luck in the world. :(

15-11-12, 16:22
Have you heard of Ben Howard - he's amazing alternative/ acoustic indie style!
Music amazing words amazing to match! I listen to all sorts from jamaroqui to Nas, bob Marley to Calvin Harris! So this is again not especially what I'd normally listen to but, just musically so beautiful and the words he says in some songs are so real! Keep your head up & only love.

Give him a try:whistles:

15-11-12, 22:06
oh yes 'pink' has some amazing songs- which must,of course be played loudly!
The great escape' is good too....

15-11-12, 22:21
me too, music can release endorphins from the brain that you need to lift your mood, and also the bottled up emotions inside you, i find if i join in with a really big power ballad, sad or happy it can release them a little n help n evry little helps dosn,t it, pinks songs are good for this i think because you can relate to a lots of them, so, lets get singing eh ???:yesyes:

oh no_1
18-11-12, 10:43
i love dancing and that usually good for me but not seem to be working this week :(

18-11-12, 18:24
Indeed I do! Many of Pink's songs are emotive for me, the words very deep. I do the car thing - getting the emotions out on the way to work & back. I think your happy tunes when feeling down is a really good idea. Sometimes i do use reflective music which helps me to be in the mood for doing homework & notes for counselling i'm doing. actually reading posts on here where people are bullied triggers huge emotions/anger for me. So it's not just music that does it. Last Friday I was terrible watching Children in Need. Sometimes it was the amazing things people had done to raise money, other times it was the videos they showed of people suffering. Very poignant for me at the moment but getting the emotions out can be very beneficial if you do it in a safe manner. Much better than bottling them up.

oh no_1
20-11-12, 08:23
wow so many of you relate to pink songs.
sometimes when im alone i often dance to songs that come on whether it a happy song or sad song.

20-11-12, 10:00
i wish i could feel less self-conscious, i cant dance at all because i feel so embarrassed about it. cant let go at all. i could never to on strictly come dancing! love watching it though & think they are all really brave

11-12-12, 17:06
I use songs to help me get out my emotions, but I generally find music that matches my emotion rather than words. Therefore, if I am mad .. hard rock, if I am depressed .. blues. I know this goes against normal teaching, but it works for me.

12-12-12, 14:37
oh yes 'pink' has some amazing songs- which must,of course be played loudly!The great escape' is good too....
pink's new song "try" i think it is..... makes me want to cry.... i need to listen to it properly but its another emotion triggering belter from her