View Full Version : Tingles or cramps

Anxious lu
14-11-12, 11:38
I have posted about random twitches I get over the body who've I have been concerned about..

Maybe people have told me not to worry it is probably caused by anxiety..

This has calmed me for a bit but on my left foot two of my toes just felt tingly/buzzy and cramped slightly..

Anxiety starts again.. I had a clear MRI so don't fear ms but am terrified it's something worse

14-11-12, 12:14
Classic anxiety symptoms. Too much adrenaline sloshing around, the muscles are probably tensing up in your toes and the tingling is all part of it. Shallow breathing can cause tingling in hands, toes, around the mouth or anywhere else. It can be random and asymmetrical too. We all breathe shallowly when we are anxious and we can do it silently and unconsciously.

Anxious lu
14-11-12, 12:20
Can you get this without even feeling anxious or bein aware your anxious.. I feel okay today

14-11-12, 12:31
If you have anxiety symptoms you are anxious. The mind plays tricks like that and the amygdala finds quicker pathways than your conscious thoughts can register and form words.

14-11-12, 14:18
Lucy. I'm going to give you a hard kick up bum.

Anxiety seems to live in a anxouis person body even when you feel great it is still hiding in the background making you/me/everyone think that this niggle or twinge or spasm is something more that it is.

The sooner you get to understand that if you think back this twinge or niggle is something you may have felt years ago but because at that stage you did not have anxiety you never took any notice of it.

Take care

Anxious lu
14-11-12, 14:30
Thanks again guys lol

harrys mummy
14-11-12, 19:34
I hate anxiety, how can we kill it!!!?? Burn it at the stake like a witch!!! Big hugs xxx

Anxious lu
14-11-12, 19:39
just got a bit overwhelmed and had a buzzing feeling in my face.. what the hell.. so bored of it now xx thanks

harrys mummy
14-11-12, 19:49
Me too, my hands & fingers were awful this morning, worse they have ever been!! Hubby go really annoyed with me so I took baby for for a walk round the block, but, got hot & bothered & felt giddy doing that!!! Jesus what next hun!? Xx

Anxious lu
14-11-12, 20:02
I know right my boyfriend is sick of reassuring me .. sometimes hes brilliant some times not so great lol .. I can imagine its hard to understand they think its all in our heads..

I felt the other day I was swaying lol and then felt really sick .. just had a quick bath to relax a tad xx

Anxious lu
15-11-12, 10:27
Just had this again. Same foot pins and needles type thing.. I was asleep and woke up and it was happening ... :-( .. So scared me woke up anxious set my twitches off again.. Going to be a good day I can tell

15-11-12, 10:52
Hi Lucy, you could always try magnesium supplements as living as a student you may not be getting the correct amount of our daily allowance http://www.livestrong.com/article/105188-supplements-muscle-twitching/

I found when I started taking super vitamins& minerals my twitching got less

Also a supplement called l-carnitine some people use this it is also used for extra energy helps stopping the muscles getting tired out so quick it is favoured by body builders

But as with most things before you take any supplements you should check with your doctor or chemist first.

Anxious lu
15-11-12, 11:36
Oooh yes I did start taking magnesium supplements the ones recommended on here.. I probably don't get enough of anything but saturated fat and carbohydrate since being a student.

I was only taking 150mg a day and it did day you could take two but I was scared to dive right in.. I wonder if the twitching etc has got worse since I stopped.. Will start them again today but may up the 1 tab to 2