View Full Version : Fed up and frightened to death :(

14-11-12, 14:06
Im really scared right now...ever since yesterday I have felt dizzyness on and off and constant light headedness and tiredness....I feel like I know it's anxiety but I'm also really scared if it isn't :( has anyone else had this before? I feel like I'm going to pass out :'(

14-11-12, 14:51
its common with anxity.i have had it ,try to breath slow ,it will help:hugs:

14-11-12, 15:04
I get the same feelings :hugs::hugs: x

14-11-12, 16:38
Thanks for the replies, I guess I gotta accept that's what it is :/ x

14-11-12, 17:09
Hiya emily-kate :-)

Im getting the same symptoms as you, it is very frightening :-(. I felt like i was going to collapse only about 20 mins ago and it still worrying me. Like you said you know its anxiety but sometimes its difficult to reasure yourself especially when you feeling them symptoms. Your not on your own hun, there's another poor soul here going through the same. Bloody anxiety bugger off lol

Take care sweet just inbox me if ya need a chat :-)

14-11-12, 17:14
It really is so scary :( and it is hard...because I think well...maybe it's not? and then I panic even more! can't win :( I will inbox you now x

Mr Brownstone
14-11-12, 18:47
Could easily be anxiety. Could also be nothing....my son had it for a wee while, but the doc just said it would go away, and it did. Could have just been growing issues though, as he was only 14/15 at the time