View Full Version : It never ends

16-08-06, 21:52
Hi again, I just feel like sharing my concerns at the moment, so I ought to spill the goods; I've been living with anxiety for nearly seven consecutive months now, and although I have taken steps to improve my life, I still feel anxious about many trivial challenges. Sometimes just thinking about bad experiences I've had because of anxiety can get me all worked up.

I have been seeing a counsellor for six months now, been reading various self help books (that have provided some small but not significant benefits) and am signed up on the waiting list for cognitive beharvioural therapy, but I still have this same irritating level of anxiety that just doesn't let go. I get anxious about just about anything even though I know I shouldn't be, and to make things worse it always makes me feel queasy and uptight, which therefore affects my eating and sleeping habits.

Frankly I just feel like I am going round in circles and no matter what I do, I can't help but feel anxious. I've told my peers that I wanted it sorted for months on end, but I'm still more or less the same as I was before.

I am naturally a pessimistic (sometimes realistic) person. I know that being a negative thinker a lot of the time is a big hindrance, but I can't seem to think positively to effectively quell my anxiety. I find it too difficult. Sometimes even the thought of change makes me edgy. I don't wish it was easier, I just wish I was stronger.

My parents have been telling me to divert my thoughts and find distractions, but I don't want to avoid my bad memories because I don't want to keep running away living in fear - Instead, I don't want to be hurt by them anymore.

I'd like to see this as a phase in my life, but I have lost a lot of hope that it will ever end. Basically I am scared of anxiety, the effects of anxiety and scared of the negative thoughts that dominate my mind every day. I'd be really greatful if anybody can offer some helpful advice.

Thanks :)

16-08-06, 22:07
I completely understand that. I've been having panic attacks for 3 years on and off. I have ups and downs so maybe I'm not the best person for advice (or is that my low self-esteem talking?)

But I wanted to say that seeing a counsellor can help and looking for self help books proves you are not letting it beat you and you're doing lots of things to help yourself. We all have bad days sometimes, distraction doesn't always work. Like you, I want to find out where this came from to make it go away properly rather than just treating the symptoms. I'm waiting for counselling at the moment.

Hang in there. This is a great place for support and advice. Just coming here can help a lot.


17-08-06, 10:13

everything you are saying sounds so familiar - it could be me talking!

Counselling and self help techniques have really helped me to manage my anxiety.

My parents said the saem things to me about finding distractions and I felt the same as you about wanting to confront the source of my worries. Personally, I found that the counselling let me do that in a safe and controlled envirnment, so that I wasnt thinking about stuff that upset me all the time and could use distractions etc to get me through day to day.

I dont feel I can give you advice but wanted to say that you have made a hugely positive decision in wanting to explore and beat this - hang onto that thought.