View Full Version : Back to feeling down

14-11-12, 15:23
Hey, So if you look back at my previous posts you'll see I had some vertigo, ear fluid and tension headaches etc.

After going to doctors several times (like 5 times) I eventually gave up as was told it was a inner ear thing and anxiety.

I didnt expect it but for like 10 or so days my tension headaches, neck pain and vertigo disappeared more or less and I felt almost normal again.
I kinda thought about the fact it had gone the other day, since then it has returned, well the tension headaches and some dizziness.

I'm 90% sure its symptomatic, but I'm wondering what others thoughts are.
Plus any advice of how to relax.

whenever i get the headaches I hardly ever need to take pain meds but its annoying as hell. Plus I'm worrying again about it being something worse...I know it isnt because I'm not that bad, I'm just feeling panicky today.

14-11-12, 19:40

14-11-12, 20:00
I know how you feel with no responses! My post has been up a few hrs, and nothing : (

I think it is anxiety, which would explain why you felt better for so long. And then it came back... because anxiety has a way of popping up until it is resolved. Meaning.. your mind feels anxious but doesn't know why. It creates symptoms, the symptoms fit the anxiety. Your 'mind' feels like it has done its job, but you feel like crap.

It sounds like you have seen the Dr, and done what you can. i would try to relax, and let things play themselves out " )

14-11-12, 20:26
Thanks Robin

Hey the dr gave me a hearing test too and said if it was abnormal they would send me to ENT. Its been like 6 weeks and no ENT appointment so I think she said that to calm me down but in the long run knew I wouldn't have to go.

You should look up the programme 'Derren Brown- Fear and Faith' it was on channel 4 in Britain.

'We all have the resources to make powerful changes in our lives if we just give ourselves permission'

meaning the mind is a powerful tool that we hardly give it credit for. if someone gave me a pill and said this will make your anxiety go, if i believed in it enough then the symptoms would dissappear.

I thought i had this sorted but its obviously going to take time, your right though, it does make me feel like crap.

14-11-12, 20:37
Hey there

I had vertigo start of October which quickly became mass anxiety and lots of posts on here. I started meds 10 days ago and the vertigo and dizziness reduced loads.

Well today I've woken up with flu symptoms; really runny nose, sore throat and painful ears and I'm terrified that I will wake up with vertigo tomorrow (that's what happened last time I had it).

I thought I was doing so well and now I just feel awful, not only anxious but really ill with this flu thing! Now I'm thinking it's lymphoma or a brain tumour...

How rubbish!

I know anxiety makes it worse but it's a vicious circle.

I hope you soon feel better x