View Full Version : Chest infection borderline oral steroids

14-11-12, 15:31
Unforunately I have become ill with a chest infection after developing a cold. My peak flow reading was 200 if it had been 100 I would have been put on oral steroids. I have been told to up my mauve inhaler to four puffs twice a day and salbutamol as required. My chest is tight and I have been coughing a lot. Feel exhausted and have been told to rest at home. Have previously been going into work. I saw a doctor that I don't usually see and do not trust 100%. If he prescribes the oral steroids then it will interfere with the lithium levels in my blood. I'm a bit panicked by all this. I don't expect people to understand about the steroids and lithium I don't myself, and I'm hoping if I rest and up my inhalers I will get better myself. I hope so. I see my own GP next Wednesday. My mood has taken a nose dive too so do not want to interfere with the lithium. EJ.

14-11-12, 16:37
Hi sorry your feeling so poorly :hugs: im also asthmatic and am on my second lot of antibiotics in 2 weeks for a chest infection plus 8 oral steriods a day plus my inhalers, just rest up as much as you can hun, i really hope you feel better soon :hugs: xx

14-11-12, 17:13
Thanks Nicola. I am unable to take antibiotics. I'm sorry that you are ill as well. EJ