View Full Version : Is this panic? First time here :)

Chris F
14-11-12, 18:16
Whilst driving home from work today i had a slight feeling of dizziness and a heavy sense of dread, my heart began to race so i was telling myself to calm down and the worse it got,i pulled over and got on the side of the road, i felt dizzy,strange,racing heart it also felt like my limbs were not attached,my mom always wondered if i suffered with anxiety and im sure i dont,she told me to come on this forum as she used it for quite a while,while i am typing this i still feel quite disorientated,does this sound like anxiety or should i be going to a&e hehe :) i keep feeling flutters in my chest and generally feel quite spaced out.
Cheers for any help.

14-11-12, 18:53
Hi Chris, They do sound like symptoms of anxiety. It might help you to read the anxiety link on the side of this page. :)

Chris F
14-11-12, 19:22
ahhhhh yeah it would . thanks :yesyes:

14-11-12, 20:03
Hi Chris

It certainly sounds like panic. I get light headed and disorientated and also get the feelings of my arms are not attached to my body!

I often feel spaced out which i hate more than anything.

Have you ever had similar before?

Are you anxious about anything in particular

14-11-12, 20:15
Hi Chris, Sounds alot like anxiety to me to. I frequently get my anxiety whilst driving. I get the shaky legs, pounding heart, boiling hot and overwhelming sense of dread.
It really helps to understand it, recognise the symptoms and then you an start dealing with it x

Chris F
14-11-12, 20:42
Thank you for all the replies :)
No i have never felt like it before and i dont feel particularly anxious about anything,well not that i know of,just general day to day stresses.It was a horrible feeling,yeah my legs were very shaky and i literally felt like i was dying,when i pulled my car over i felt like running off into the field or jumping up and down on the spot it was horrible. i fekt very fuzzy and odd for a couple of hours after too.

Cheers all,glad to know im not going nuts :)

15-11-12, 18:06
Hi Chris

Classic signs of anxiety attack. Welcome to the club, you will get a lot of support here.