View Full Version : improving ??

14-11-12, 19:22
baby steps have been taken by me today firstly i havnt checked my pulse nearly as much as i have been doing im really trying to avoid that. one thing that is distracting me from my anxiety is my ps3 theres a new game out that i really wanted but that ment catching the bus into town if i wanted it , so it was right max lets go for it i was a little shakey at first but managed to calm myself down all was well so got back played my game for a bit then decided to go up to my local playing field and bash a few golf balls around for an hour , then of to grans for a cuppa then back for tea all in all a busy day much better than hiding under the sheets like i was a week ago, long way to go but im making strides to get better

14-11-12, 19:24
That is fantastic...well done :yesyes: so pleased it is getting better for you x

14-11-12, 19:40
thankyou annie how r u hun :hugs:

14-11-12, 19:50
Excellent news Max, thanks for sharing it with us.
I check my pulse constantly when very anxious but haven't for the past week or so and I'd forgotton that I used to do it until I read your post, it seems to be a positive sign that we're improving when we forget to do it:)
You're doing well, pace yourself and you will recover x