View Full Version : Strange strange vision today

14-11-12, 19:37
Hey guys my anxiety has gone down a whole lot! but I can feel it acting up again some days. I try not to let it get the best of me but today was kind of a weird day due to my weird vision..

Everything I look at is really staticy and grainy and flashy. Like in the dark everything is fuzzy. Well that is pretty much happening to me even in the day time. I notice it and its gradually worse on blank opjects like walls ceilings ect.

Honestly don't know what it is. I had a lack of sleep last night so im pretty tired. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. I'm trying not to let this vision problem get the best of me

I also been seeings sparks of random light here and there too. quite odd.

If anyone can help it me it would be much appreciated!

I would also like to talk about some other visual problems i have been having.

Just so you guys know i been having this visual snow/static stuff for forever but i try not to focus on it. I also have starbrusts. floaters, after images, trails ect you name it!

I also have tinnitus. and have had it for ever 3 years.

What do you think is wrong with me?

14-11-12, 20:03

I'm not doctor or optician but it seems that we all have varying degrees of the same symptoms. In MY opinion that may mean that it is one thing. STRESS/ANXIETY.
I do not have many visual disturbances, I do get floaters when I look at blank walls and stuff but I have for years!

If you feel panicked about it the best thing to do is visit the doc or optician as that will be the only way to reassure you that you are fine.

i'm the same way, currently panicking about tension headaches after being free of symptoms for 2 weeks ish. In a way it is reassuring to know that all our symptoms are similar.

If its not giving you headaches or making you feel nauseous then don't panic, but if you feel bad go to see the doc again. It is mostly down to stress in my opinion.

Oh and i have tinnitus too, it gives me problems with balance and been told my ears have a lot of fluid in. but as far as I know its harmless

14-11-12, 20:24
I have these problems floaters, blurred vision, flashing lights, as I have had my eyes tested etc etc mine has been put down to anxiety. This was very hard for me to accept and I continue to look for other causes but I suppose you can't argue with the facts. Also get tinnitus which can either be whistling or pulsating. Floaters are always worse for me when looking at a blank, or a white wall. Don't seem to notice them otherwise. Sorry can't offer any advice, just empathy

15-11-12, 02:25
I also have staticy visions in my eyes. I have flashing lights, it can come from somewhere else, make me jump. I wear glasses. I have everything you said, but I always have grew up with staticy vision, since I was little. It was discovered that I had astigma... (squint) and I had to wear glasses. I always was anxious when I was little, maybe that could be the reason. When I look up to the sky, lots of things floating in my eyes, and shooting stars as well.

Sometimes I have noises in my ears - and humming feelings in my body - hard to explain... maybe this is to do with my panic attacks from two weeks ago, still have the shakes sometimes. Black rooms are worse for me - static vision and grey to black clouds coming together in my eyes if I stare at something.

I am profoundly deaf, and sometimes get tinnitus too.


15-11-12, 09:47
Do you get headache, at the same time?????As a sufferer of severe migraines, it very much sounds like (and from reading you other post) I think, it might be stress induced migraine! Stress can trigger migraines sooo, thats my guess reading the symptoms yours experiencing???.I've had migraines since I was in primary school about 8 or 9 years old, I only started with panic attacks last year for the very first time, so on symptoms alone ~ sounds like migraine! I remember last year having migraines one after the other and because it was when I'd been struck down by dreaded panic attacks ~ I remember them being a lot worse, at that specific time!!! It was so bad I clung on to my husbands neck and begged him to call an ambulance, awful awful!! If no headache, high blood pressure ( I know your young ) can cause visual disturbances and you've been quite stressed , so again this could be the problem!
How are you today???

16-11-12, 21:42
I do suffer from migraines, although I know i'm getting a migraine because i get blocks of blurrness across my vision blinking rapidly and it makes me nasuas. Also sometimes a little ball of just blurrnyess. I have had one migraine before, but sometimes i got the aura stuff like i stated, the blocks of blinking stuff and no migraine. I'm pretty sure it was just a visual migraine. I think what i have is called visual snow. which is harmless. I read up on about it and it pretty much states that everything i have visually is called visual snow, and is harmless thank god. I always have it but sometimes i notice it less when im busy. so i dont think it can be migraine related.

17-11-12, 22:58
Ohh that's interesting I get that then aswell, I always freak thinking its a migraine or migraine related! So the visual alone is a different matter from migraines ~ interesting ill look into that! Well, at least you know what it is.