View Full Version : Is this post nasal drip due to anxiety?

14-11-12, 20:23
Help - am driving myself mad again. Have googled post nasal drip for the milllionth time and nasal polyps and am now terrified I may have a tumour in my nose!! Have this persistent gunk dripping down the back of throat, throat clearing and snorting since July!! Nose not blocked bu feels like pressure behind soft pallette. Been to the Docs sooooo many times about it and despite various attempts at giving up milk, using nasal sprays, taking lanzaprazole for 8 weeks it's still there. Doc thinks it is in my head I am sure. Can this be anxiety?? I came off 3 months of amitriptyline back in July and am sure the dry mouth side effect triggered this or is it menopausal?? I know it can affect mucous membranes. Am 49 and never felt so warm in all my life with the hot flushes! So sick of this persistent health anxiety - if it's not one thing it's another and I always fear the worse case scenario. Terrified about being referred to an ENT specialist if they suggest it - another appointment booked at Docs for next week. Why can I not just get on with life and enjoy it instead of being so anxious all the time - please help me take stock.:weep:

15-11-12, 17:38
I've just got over a bad patch of post nasal drip, lasted 1 month or 2!
I bought some vitamins (buy some without iron otherwise you'll get constipated lol)
Drink lot's of orange juice
and buy some vitamin C 1000mg!

15-11-12, 18:44
Hi Jane,
I've had post nasal drip like for ever, and for me it used to cause regular sore throats which would lead to me loosing my voice , imagine how your mind reacts to that . More recently my doctor prescribed low dose antihistamine ,one a day ( no drowsiness with these ) and the differance they have made , all though I still have the dreaded drip it's not so bad , but the symptoms are as you described , not nice summer and winter , it's caused by an allergy 90 % of the time .
Nasal polyps block the nose but are more of a nuisance than danger, my advice ,
Don't worry and stay off dr google .
Take care.

15-11-12, 21:27
Thanks to you both for your kind replies. I also get a sore throat by the end of the day and get a croaky voice, especially if I have been talking too much!! I like the idea of vitamins and perhaps an antihistamine, may ask for some from the docs next week.

Thanks again - feel more relaxed now.:)