View Full Version : Liver function test

14-11-12, 21:45
Right, well here I am again looking for some support. 4 weeks ago I went to my doc for a blood test to see if I am menopausal (I'm only 43 but had been experiencing hot flushes) anyway it was confirmed that I am in the menopause but it also showed abnormal liver function results.

My doc said they were only slightly raised and asked what my alcohol consumption was. Anyway after telling her I drink between 1 & 2 large glasses wine every night, she suggested that was prob what it was but there was a small chance could be connected to my previous breast cancer! Panicked! Give up drinking and repeat the test. Dd this and 2nd test abnormal but not as much. Repeat test next week. Whilst this was going on I was in terrible pelvic back pain ( which my anxiety had me thinking the worse ) turned out to be a wee infection.

Of course, I couldn't stop myself googling to see if connected and now I'm terrified again.

Don't know how much more I can take. Got my mammogram check this week too.... :-(

Any support or words of wisdom, welcome.

14-11-12, 22:03
Well of course I am not a doctor, but I think it sounds very reassuring that when you did not drink, your liver test improved. I don't think a test gets better that way if you have a serious problem with your liver.

I hope your next test will be even better:bighug1:

14-11-12, 22:04
Sorry to hear you are going through so much at the moment. Good to know that you are getting all the tests done and hope you get it all sorted soon. You shouldn't have googled! it always comes up with the worst. If you have questions ask your doctor not google, I will be thinking about you and please let me know how your tests go. I have had raised liver function tests before and I don't drink and they never seemed concerned about it. :hugs::hugs: x

14-11-12, 22:27
Thank you both for your replies. Shouldn't google but couldn't help it this time! I do make myself cross sometimes!X

15-11-12, 12:27
Its true Montana, google always brings up the worst case scenario...I am a terrible googler and get myself into a right state.

Your doctor takes all symptoms into consideration and uses medical knowledge to assess you. I think we all find it hard to trust our doctors due to HA, but try. X

15-11-12, 23:03
Thank you melon1 x

16-11-12, 11:14
I had abnormal liver function test and it was down to me being over weight.

It worried me at the time so after test after test I lost a little weight and my liver went back to normal.