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View Full Version : Alot of pain please help?

14-11-12, 22:25
Okay basically 5 months ago i kept having serious pain in my chest, back and top to middle of my spine, so i ended up going to the hospital and they told me i had a swollen esophagus and gave me tablets to take for a month, then a week later i found out i was 5 weeks pregnant, so i stopped taking them tablets because i knew you couldnt take them when pregnant. So i just left the pain there..then it started to get bad again so i went to the doctors and he told me that it was Acid Reflux and gave me peptac to take when i needed...so a couple weeks went by and when i could feel the acid i took the peptac and it help alot in my chest but it wouldnt touch the pain i have in my spine, from the top to the middle..It hurts so bad especially when i bend my head forward!!! and when i touch down on that part of my spine the pain is unreal!!! so i went back to the doctors and explained the peptac was helping my chest but not my spine..she told me it was muscle pain and told me to go..which is a load of crap!! because its been around 5 months now! i cant deal with this pain..im just wondering anyone that has suffered from Acid Reflux have u had this pain before in ur spine?? because im sooooooo worried it is something more! im 20 years old..and im going to be making another appoitment because i need this sorted, and im pregnant and cant take anything apart from paracetamol.

Can someone please try and give me some advice please! and im so sorry for such a long comment!! xxx

14-11-12, 22:58
Can I ask you why you do not believe it's muscle pain? Muscle pain can be really severe, I had a back and shoulder pain last year with such a strong pain that I almost could not move. It lasted several months. I could not sleep, I had to sit in my bed and try to sleep in a strange position, I could not lay down.
If you feel that your doctor doesn't listen to you, try to get a second opinion, or ask you midwife (I suppose you are seeing a midwife because of your pregnancy?) if she can help you. Have you asked her about pain killers? Maybe there is something better than paracetamol that you can have when the pain gets really bad.

Good luck with pregnancy and everything:bighug1:

15-11-12, 10:27
Hi Louise I'm going through the same sort of pain although I'm a lot older. Saw my Dr on Tuesday with severe pain in ribs under right arm and going round to upper back, hurts to touch, he said nerve pain or shingles but no rash so must be pain from vertebrae, He gave me co-codamol which knocked me out but must say got rid of the pain. I take lanprosole for heartburn indigestion that seems to help too. I would definitely ask for more meds for the pain. Hope this helps a bit Simi

15-11-12, 17:35
Thank you for the replies, i didnt think it was muscle pain because it started the same time since i had the acid refulx..and like i can still do my normal activities throughout the day its just painful and its only the top of my spine to the middle, no where else..kind of exactly where the acid reflux is but through my back, not my chest :( but peptac wont help when i do feel the acid. Im going to go back to the docs this week and also speak to my midwife too and see what she says. Thank you both for your replies. xx

15-11-12, 20:15
Sounds like gallstone/gallbladder disease I had exact same symptoms went on for 6 months after having my little boy.. I had an ultasound no gallstones so was sent for a hida scan its a function of the gallbladder test and it turns out my gallbladder was barely functioning at all! And yes I had pain in my spine around ribs and chest pain that was so servere it sent me to hospital thinking I was having a heart attack! X

17-11-12, 12:36
oh wow thats scary! :( its in so much pain today!! Thank you for your reply!! xx