View Full Version : blood in vomit

14-11-12, 23:11
I have suspected gallstones and am waiting for an ultrasound appointment. I also suffer with ibs and it has been playing up a bit over the last week.today I got the gallstones pain which generally starts in my right ear strangely enough then spreads down my new k chest and back. I did at one stage think it was mg heart but tests have c omega back fine. When I get this gallstones pain if I go and be sick it goes away mostly it will just niggle then for a day.tonight pain wazzup sick then felt ok so had dinner then a couple of hours later pain again so I went and fried to be sick eventually I was a little bit utility what scared me was there was a small amount of blood in the vomit, am now scared that it is something more serious and despite doc saying he is 99% sure I have gallstones I do t want to have an ultrasound in case they find something, actually now I have written it down it sounds really silly, but I can't stop feeling really worried and scared.Any wise words of advice would be most welcome thanks

15-11-12, 09:37
Hi Are you sure it was blood or could it be something red that you had eaten? I had gallstones a few years ago and it is very painful. If you are sure it was blood and it happens again I would let your doctor know, I am not saying it is something bad but I would mention it to your doctor anyway. I have got scared sometimes thinking it is blood when I have been sick then remembered I ate tomatoes or something x