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08-06-04, 22:10
Hi all,

I just wanted to pass on this coping method I have learnt since going to my Kinesiologist which has really helped me calm down when I feel really anxious. Its really easy and can be done anywhere and anytime.:)

I seemed to have missed place my sheet of paper with the exact information but it is pretty easy to explain so here goes.

All you do when you feel anxious and your thoughts are racing etc is to cross your legs at the bottom of each shin or ankle and cross over your hands but link each thumb by making a figure of eight with them and take deep breaths in and out. Your body should mirror a figure of eight. ( Im sorry if this does not make sense....I will try and find the proper information)

The reason this process works is because it prevents one side of the brain dominating the other and therefore prevents any worrying 'what if' thoughts etc and the symptoms just disappear.[8D]

I have been using it over the lst few days and its been great at stopping any symptoms that normally scare the hell out of me.

Give it a go...it wont hurt!:D


08-06-04, 22:14
Im not sure if i understand you cross your ankles and then you fold your hands and crass your thumbs then take deep breaths??

08-06-04, 22:16
i think im doing it wrong it isnt working

08-06-04, 22:18

Im sorry...Im probably not explaining it to well.

Cross your ankles then cross your wrists but as you cross them make a circle with your thumb and your 4th finger round your other thumb and 4th finger and this should make a figure of eight with your thumbs. Then do some deep breathing.

Is that any better. If you could see me I could show you how easy this is, maybe someone else could help me explain this if they know hat Im talking about.


08-06-04, 22:39
Sadie - is this right ..?

Make a circle with each hand with thumb and ring finger as if putting pretend spectacles up at your eyes ..
The cross and twist wrists and just open your circles enough to link the two so they look like links in a chain , then the ankles.....


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

08-06-04, 22:42


1st cross ankles
2nd cross wrists and instead of making circles with thumb and 4th finger link the thumb and 4th finger between the other thumb and 4th finger so that if you tried to pull them apart you couldnt.

Am I making any sense?????


08-06-04, 22:48
Forgot to say...as you have done the crossing over of the wrists etc...pull your crossed wrists up so they are sitting comfortably on your chest. However, I have just linked my thumbs and crossed my legs when I have been on the train or somewhere else public to save people wondering what Im doing and it haas still worked for me.

Do what you feels more comfortable....thats if you understand what I mean!!


08-06-04, 22:50
Think I've got the picture now ..

Glad its working for you..


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

Caz Fab Pants
09-06-04, 10:12
When you say 4th finger, do you mean your index finger or pinkie?

Not sure if I'm doing it right but I'm willing to try anything, lol.


10-06-04, 14:16
i learned something like this a long time ago and it works for me too and for others i have told. put your thumb and ring finger together as with sadie's. then place your index and middle finger of both hands on the pressure points on your forehead.
these can be found by drawing an imaginary horizontal line across the middle your forehead, now look straight foreward and draw two more imaginary vertical lines from your pupils to the top of your forehead. where these lines cross have given you the location of your two pressure points.
i do this on planes, lifts, tunnels etc and it works. i also find with this that i dont have to talk myself out of an anxiety attack because it lessens itself. i.ve done this for years and i know from experience that it works for me. i hope it works for you all too

xxx grace