View Full Version : Stupid question but how does food affect mental health?

15-11-12, 08:09
A small bit of history but I used to be someone who ate 5-6000 cals per day but didn't care as I'm quite tall (6'4) and was happy with it. However when the GAD, OCD etc all started so did my weight and eating habits.

I've been trying to work out why my mind is so erratic, it's really changed massively over the last 6 months - year. I've gone as saying that's it. I'm getting visits from the CMHRS 3 times a week at the moment, they're trying to make me hand over my helium tank but I've said no. I'm still trying to figure stuff out. A person said to me a while ago something about how food can change mood.

Anyway, this is the point of my question - at the moment my daily food intake consists of, on average, the following:

Breakfast - 300 Cal Fortisip
Lunch - 300 Cal Fortisip
Supper - 200 or 400 Ready meal
Snacks - Kit Kat Chunky

Am I really being stupid here? Can a diet like that really make mental health issues worse? I've spoken a bit about that with the psychiatrist to came to see me a few days ago but they didn't have much to say apart from asking me what I thought of food and weight, to which I said I want to put weight on but hate food as it causes pain.

I may have posted this before but I'm looking at every possible answer anywhere and everywhere. The only options left for me are limited and that's an understatement.

Please, if you have any opinion on that let me know.

15-11-12, 08:44
For a grown man of your size, your calorie intake should be at least twice what you are consuming at the moment, I am sure you are aware of this......
You need vitamins and minerals in your diet for physical and mental health. If you have no energy your mental health will suffer..... If you are not eating properly you need vitamin supplements.

15-11-12, 08:49
You don't say what your original weight was when consuming 5/6000 calories a day but i would say that was excessive regardless of your height. Age can also be a factor, and of course exercise or lack of exercise.

Now you say you are down to between 800 to 1200 calories which is the opposite extreme and far too little.

I find it difficult to answer the rest of your post but "comfort food" is often the sign of depression but I maybe entirely on the wrong track.