View Full Version : I hit my head on the wall? Should I be worried?

15-11-12, 10:19
Last night When I went to bend forward to pick up something, I didn't realize I was close to the wall and accidentally hit my head on it.

I don't think it was that hard, but it was medium hard! I swear I heard a click!

I have anxiety so now I'm scared I gave myself epilepsy or mental retardation, or could be my paranoid anxiety kicking in. but I read it takes days to present itself.

I had no feeling of vomiting, or any double vision, and I went to sleep not long after because it was at night!

anyway, this is the next morning, and I'm worried of traumatizing my brain and what Illnesses I given myself!

15-11-12, 10:38
Our heads are a lot tougher than you think :) If you have no vomiting or trouble with your vision then you will fine. I have bumped my head many times when getting something from under the stairs, I have banged my head off the ceiling really hard with no problems so it is nothing at all for you to worry about :)

15-11-12, 11:09
Our heads are a lot tougher than you think :) If you have no vomiting or trouble with your vision then you will fine. I have bumped my head many times when getting something from under the stairs, I have banged my head off the ceiling really hard with no problems so it is nothing at all for you to worry about :)

Thanks, I just feel so scared, I woke up an hour ago, I had about 9hours sleep,
Is it normal to still be tired, or did Is it concussion symptoms?

15-11-12, 12:22
your fine. it appears you system is working normal, as your communication skills are 100 per cent, so relax and enjoy the day.:bighug1:

15-11-12, 13:03
Your bonce is actually quite a strong thing. It has 3 layers of bone, so can withstand more than you might think. I watched a program on TV the other day where a medieval knight had been slammed on the head by the blade of a broadsword in battle. His skin had broken, and he had a blade-shaped dent in the top of his head, but it still hadn't broken through his skull, and he lived for a long time after the injury. I'm sure you'll be fine from a meeting between head and wall :)

15-11-12, 14:17
Your bonce is actually quite a strong thing. It has 3 layers of bone, so can withstand more than you might think. I watched a program on TV the other day where a medieval knight had been slammed on the head by the blade of a broadsword in battle. His skin had broken, and he had a blade-shaped dent in the top of his head, but it still hadn't broken through his skull, and he lived for a long time after the injury. I'm sure you'll be fine from a meeting between head and wall :)

Thank for the reasurance, I just don't want the symptoms present itself 2-3 days later, so I'm hoping those 3 days go quick without expiriencing any symptoms.

05-11-13, 17:32
Our heads are a lot tougher than you think :) If you have no vomiting or trouble with your vision then you will fine. I have bumped my head many times when getting something from under the stairs, I have banged my head off the ceiling really hard with no problems so it is nothing at all for you to worry about :)

Banged the top of my head under the stairs today aswell, It didnt hurt but I felt the impact, would this be enough to give me concussion or epilepsy? I felt tired and yawning afterwards, I feel better now,

05-11-13, 20:37
The general rule is 24 hours. When I did first aid we were told that if the person wasn't sick before 20 minutes after the injury they were most likely ok. You'd have to bang your head extremely hard for it to give you epilepsy - you'd have knocked yourself out and have been in hospital long before now.