View Full Version : Beating Panic, Anxiety and Depression

17-08-06, 07:07
Hello, my name's Becky and I've suffered from many years of panic, anxiety and depression and am now recovered. I have made some notes about the steps I have taken. Please print out and read. These steps have helped many people towards recovery. Please feel free to contact me here or on my email: becky@imaginet.co.za and I will be happy to chat with you about anything in connection with panic, depression or anxiety.


Having suffered through numerous bouts of depression, anxiety and panic attacks during the last 14 years AND having learnt how to control this disorder, I’ve made the following list of things that have worked for me, and other people, on how to deal with and BEAT this problem. Be prepared to make a BIG effort, but remember that it’s worth it in the end.

Firstly you need to discover the keys to beating this condition and the following are steps I have taken towards my recovery:

1. Have a medical check-up to ensure that you’re healthy and that there’s nothing medically wrong that could be causing this condition. This will also give you reassurance which helps enormously in calming the anxiety and gaining control over your condition.
2. See a good Psychologist/Therapist who can explain to you exactly what’s happening to you so that you can understand your condition. Knowledge is an important key to recovery.
3. Find the Root Cause to your problem. What has triggered this off? You need to face this problem and deal with it. You may not be able to do anything about the problem, that doesn’t matter, as long as you can face it in your mind.
4. I look on this condition as a string of bad habits which need to be broken. I have made a list of good habits which I substituted. A kind of list of rules which I made an effort to stick to. Remember that a habit takes 21 days to take hold. Make that effort until the good habit becomes second nature.
5. Don’t accept that you’re stuck with this condition for life. You don’t have to live with it forever. I’m living proof that there is hope for full-time and lasting recovery.
6. Be prepared to make a big effort to change your life.
7. Focus only on the positive things in life. Don’t spend too much time thinking about the negative aspects of this condition. Once you’ve had your check-up and understand more about what is happening to you, start thinking of yourself as recovered and normal again. Don’t spend a lot of time discussing your symptoms with fellow-sufferers It’s more likely to do you harm than good (and it’s quite possible that sub-consciously you’ll start mimicking their symptoms/phobias too). (But by all means discuss ways to deal with the condition with people who have recovered). Start thinking of yourself as normal again, and live that way.

CHANGING BAD HABITS: (here you may like to substitute some of your own habits and things that you find work for you)

1. NEVER GIVE IN TO THE MONSTER. (the name I’ve given to this condition)
As much as you would like to stay in bed and sleep for the next 6 weeks – DON’T!!!
This is allowing the depression to control you, instead of the other way around. Sleeping is a form of escape, but, unfortunately, when you wake, the problem is still there. You need to deal with it. SHOW THE MONSTER THAT YOU’RE IN CONTROL AT ALL TIMES.

Keeping your mind busy means it won’t have time to think about the anxiety/depression. When we’re depressed or anxious it’s easy to become self-centered, concentrating only on our own problems. This is what we DON’T need. DON’T FEED THE MONSTER. Rather starve it by ignoring it.
Keeping your body physically active helps it to produce more ‘feel-good’ endorphins.

Get outside and soak as much sunshine into your body as possible. Drink it in and while you’re doing that concentrate on how it’s repairing your mind and body. Take it like a medicine.

4. EAT
It’s not always easy to eat when you’re depressed or feeling anxious. Choose food that goes down easily an

17-08-06, 08:44
Thankyou for that, such a good post! Well dpone for over coming anxiety and depression
Becci x

17-08-06, 09:16
I had a read, and thanks for all of that.
I will attempt to put it in practice.

Half my problem is, that my mind is not occupied enough.
So i tend to dwell on my symptoms all the time.
I do to jobs which keep me busy, but obviously not mentally coz i still think about my symptoms all day long!!!

Hay x

17-08-06, 09:17
Brilliant post

Pam x

17-08-06, 10:24
brill post hun thanks

17-08-06, 11:02
Hi Becky,

Brilliant post !! I have stopped watching the news on TV, as you say it is nearly always bad, same with the daily news papers. I love a good laugh. I watched 'Open All Hours' (Ronnie Barker) last night. Yes I have seen them all before, but I still laughed. In a quiet moment I sit and do a meditation CD. (Very calming) Since I started going to Tai Chi I have brought myself a DVD to do at home.

Best Wishes
Jenny xxxx

17-08-06, 11:47
Nice one!!!


17-08-06, 12:21
such a good post, thankyou for that, it is very positive!

17-08-06, 13:43
Hi Becky,

Much appreciated. Thank you.

Take Care



18-08-06, 01:44
Hi Becky you dont suffer from panic at all in any situations any more?Do you not suffer from a churning stomach or palpitations anymore.Do you no longer have any nervous sensations?I dont mean to ask so many questions.Its just some peoples definition of recovery is different to others.

"You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

18-08-06, 22:49
Hi Becky

What an encouraging post. It makes good reading! It is reassuring to know that if we persist with the exercises and new thought patterns there is some hope out there.



Is there light at the end of the tunnel or is that an oncoming train?