View Full Version : Weird Symptom - Songs / Quotes Stuck in Head?

15-11-12, 10:52
I constantly have parts of a song, poem, or line from a movie stuck in my head, and it's very rarely one I really love or anything like that. I'd never really thought much about it before and just assumed that it was nothing.

So, I've read in a few different sources that this could actually be related to my GAD? Does anyone else find this, and if so, got any tips for dislodging that repetitive thought? It feels a bit weird sometimes spending the whole day with one short snippet of a song looping round and round my head, particularly on days when my anxiety is bad.

15-11-12, 11:32
It happens to me every day, I put it down to an over active mind. Just accept it and hopefully the songs/quotes will soon pass - until the next one of course!

15-11-12, 14:02
Yep, always have an annoying song in my head. Sometimes it's so annoying I put my iPod on to listen to something I actually like!

15-11-12, 15:15
Lots of people get this, it's called ear worms! I've had tunes in my head for days even when I wake up, try and ignore it and don't worry about it

---------- Post added at 15:15 ---------- Previous post was at 15:12 ----------

I've just looked it up on wikipedia and 98% of people suffer from it so don't worry

15-11-12, 19:53
I get this too - I was going to say that they're called ear worms!

It doesn't bother me as much as it used to. When I was younger, I sometimes used to get a song stuck in my head when I was in bed, and I'd worry that it would stop me from sleeping! Thankfully I managed to get over that.

I hate it when I get an annoying song stuck in my head though. Today at work I had that annoying new Justin Bieber song in my head (the Beauty & The Beast one). It popped into my head without me even realising at first.:roflmao:

15-11-12, 20:50
Try actually engaging with the song or quote instead of trying not to think about it. You have to keep it in your mind in order not to think about it, so trying to get rid of it is pointless.