View Full Version : beating myself up over what my doctors said

15-11-12, 14:53
my anxiety has been quite bad since i moved 8weeks ago and had to change doctors as ive moved to the other side of of town , my new doctors has about 5 of them and because ive been to see diffrent doctors about 6 times since i have moved because of my anxiety, and feel i dont want to go again because i went up last night to see gp as i was getting pains in my chest and it was a doc i hadnt seen before and when i went in to see him he asked what was wrong so i explained i had chest pains and suffer with anxiety and straight away he said so what are you expecting by seeing him and i didnt know what to say so i just said can he check my chest but he made me feel as i was wasting his time, and all today ive been worring over what he said and got myself in a right state over it thinking am i going mad because getting my self so worked up over it and trying towork out what he ment by saying that as even another doctor who ive seen at the new surgery said it to me. CAN anxiety make you be like this and can you take it personaly or take the wrong way if people say something to you as its really made me quite bad today as all i keep thinking is why did he say that to me , or am just misinterpretating what he said . so would like some advise please off any one if the can thk you

15-11-12, 14:59
Not sure but I'm also suffering from chest pain. Is yours sharp jolts or tightness. Happens to me every day !!

15-11-12, 15:11
hi the doc says its just anxiety but its not the pains i was worried about today it was what the doc said to me about what i am expecting by going up to see him that ive got myself worked up about

15-11-12, 15:20
Awwww yes, it's can be part of anxiety. We over analyze everything, we re-play and think "I should of said this, or done this" and it creates more anxiety, and anxious thoughts. (makes us more nervous) I feel sorry that you had to deal with such a jerk. He should of never talked to you like that. I would have said well.......your the Doctor you tell me! He should not have taken any chances, and checked your chest, just checking and telling you that everything was alright would have made you feel so much better. I am mad for you. (I will come over there and smack him upside his head for you:)) I toooooooooo suffer from the chest pain, really bad. I know my Doctor thinks I am off my rocker, but she is very compassionate, and always checks, she says Deb do you want an ekg, and I go yeah. then shes says it's not your heart, and I am good til the next pain. That pain is not fun, it is scary:ohmy:I do think if they thought you were in danger, they would of done something more, so I think you are going to be just fine. He gets paid to be a Doctor, you can go back 100 times you are paying him. Try not to let that dumb, dumb bother you.:hugs:Debbi (Oh yea, I to have been getting the pains lately, and it's time for me to go back and bug that Doctor of mine. lol)

15-11-12, 15:25
I know what you mean tricia. I went to see a fresh gp last year because my regular
gp was away. He did not seem to bothered,said i had a virus. I felt awful as though i had wasted his time. it bothered me for ages and I will not go to him again.
I got it sorted in the end, and was given medication the next week from my own gp.
If you have seen all the gps in the practice surely someone must pick up that you need help. if you are not satisfied, go back and insist you need help.Well I would---thats me!!!!

15-11-12, 15:33
Hi like panicky me said your GP is there for you to visit when you feel the need. Don't ever feel like you are wasting their time. I visit far to frequently and have sometimes felt I am being a nuisance but I feel it is best for me to go there than sit at home and worry . In fact doctor I saw this morning was quite dismissive but I had my husband with me, who has no trouble speaking up!!

15-11-12, 15:48
Hello Tricia sorry to hear that doctor was horrible to u thats not on especially when u suffer with anxiety its ignorance on his part.Unfortunately they dont have enough knowledge on nervous illness / anxiety so try not to let it get to u i know its not easy.Ive had a non understanding doctor before good caring doctors are hard to find.Ive had a doctor say to me what do u want me to do about it?cant u just go to work?not what u want to hear is it?i wont go back to him again.Have u got a nice nurse u can go and see?put ur mind at ease check ur chest over im sure it is anxiety but peace of mind is important reassure u.I hope ur ok

claire x

15-11-12, 15:59
Hi Tricia,I know how you feel in that sometimes we worry that we are wasting a doctor's time.I do it myself,however he is being paid quite handsomely for doing his job...and that job is to reassure his patients no matter what they are coming to see him for.Sadly there are good doctors and bad doctors,a good one would never make you feel guilty over going to see him/her and would also recognise that anxiety is an illness just like any other.

I would suggest seeing another doctor until you find one more sympathetic to your needs.I wish you well and try not to feel bad (easier said than done I know).

15-11-12, 21:11
hi thk you all for ur support and adviceits made me feel abit better knowing i have some one to ta;lk to as i have felt quite bad for weeks with the anxiety ever since i moved home 8 wks ago and my son trying to harm himself and feeling im loosing contol over the anxiety and not coping and will slip right bk to how i was when i first started anxiety but i keep telling myself im not loosing it or going mad .just hope its just a setback