View Full Version : is anyone else shortsighted? help please

15-11-12, 15:04

Just wondered if any other short sighted people could offer me advice.

I got my eyes checked recently and my prescription has changed again!

In the last 2 years I've gone from _5 to -6 in my left eye and a similar but slightly less change in my right eye.

I am 28. I'm worried that my eyesight is deteriorating quickly I thought it was supposed to even out in your mid 20s??

I've had 2 dilated eye exams in the last month for other visual health anxiety worries and told everything fine. Pressure normal np sign of cataracts diabetes damage etc etc

I'm really worried can anyone relate.

Optition didn't seem concerned at least he didn't say if he was

Bel x

15-11-12, 15:12
How long have you been wearing glasses? I'm short-sighted but my prescription is very mild. However it did change from something like -1 to -1.5 between the first time I was told that I needed glasses (about 6 years ago, and I'm 30 now) and my next check-up.

If your optician isn't concerned, then I wouldn't be, especially as you've had additional eye tests. If you are still concerned though, the best person to ask is your optician, who would be willing to speak to you on the telephone briefly I expect.

15-11-12, 15:19
Hi Isybelle, I was very short sighted but I did have my eyes lasered a couple of years ago and (wrongly) I have not had them tested since. I find that when I am anxious my vision is one of the first things to change. When i am at my worse, I can be looking straight at something , like the tv or a book, and suddenly my vision will jump so i am looking at something at the side or below. I have absolutely no control over this. It used to really freak me out, especially when I first experienced major anxiety four years ago but over time I have come to accept that it is all just part of my nervous system and I take it as a signal to pull on the brakes. i know it is easier said than done but please don't worry. There are so many physical side effects of anxiety that aren't always listed and discussed in magazines/news articles etc that it can be really scary when it happens to you. I hope this helps, big hugs xxx