View Full Version : Worried about going to Dr tomorrow

17-08-06, 09:27
I have been suffering with my sinuses the last 2 months, must of been to dr about 4 times but finally one last week listened to me and said i had chronic sinusitis and im on a steroid spray. In the last 2 weeks ive been suffering with awful tiredness & weak legs and a headache down the back of my head (feels like a brick is rattlign around) my sinues are alot better but I still feel abit stuffed up and have this headache.

I have taken my 3 children the drs this week 3 times because they hav chicken pox and are all very young so now I feel a fool and if I go think the receptionists & dr will be fed up of me, im there alot lately but its not been my fault and I hate to think of people thinking 'oh here she is again'

I am also really worried he will just say the tiredness is 3 kids and anxiety. I have'nt seen this GP for 2 mths, he took care of me when I was on anti ds and was fab but im alot better anxiety wise but I bet he will say its my anxiety and i will have to just carry on feeling this way, im tired all the time, even after a decent sleep:-( im really worrying its something serious and im worried about my headache, ive had that for ages which I was told is sinus related but it won't go.

Not sure how to approach this tomorrow or if I should go at all.

Sorry to post again.


17-08-06, 10:01
hi never feel the docs and the nurse there feel like you said
recently i been the docs every week cus of a illness i got and i was the same has you but they said if in doudt always come to the doctors better safe than worried
just go and try and not think about whta you think they thinking cus they never do and cetainly go tomorrow
good luck for tomoz

17-08-06, 10:24
Thanks Lilbell, I just hope I am ok and its nothing to worry about. I don't seem to have symptoms of thyroid or anemia (ive checked) but hoping its nothing more serious.

17-08-06, 10:37
where is the headaches on your head
and im sure you be ok hun please tell me how you get on
and im here if you ever want to talk bellxx

17-08-06, 11:01
Its down the back of my head, if i move it feels like a brick feeling. Also my ears hurt, feell like im getting a cold but i never do.

17-08-06, 13:05

i cant believe im reading this, ive just posted almost the exact same post in the health anxiety section

ive got the same and im worried, maybe its glands

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

17-08-06, 14:06
AWw ((hugs)) awful isnt it. I have had some glands up but dr said they are only small. I am a glandy person anyway. I shall take a look at your post now.
Jem x

17-08-06, 22:47
hey hun it might be stress headaches cus that where i get mine when stressed but just go docs in morning and tell them everything hun
bell xx

17-08-06, 23:02
Will do thanks Lilbell

18-08-06, 11:12
hope docs went well hun and they was helpful

18-08-06, 12:05
Hope you get good results at the Docs. I have tension headaches and sinus related probs all the time. I had a CT scan done of my sinus' and came out normal, no infection, yet I continue to suffer with it.


I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little monster that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.