View Full Version : Stranded- Laugh or panic? laugh

17-08-06, 10:31

I feel so good about myself today i felt i must tell everyone, after being almost house bound with panic for 3 weeks while starting on medication again., i actually acheived something.

We have the use of a narrowboat all summer and this was only my second trip(too scared to go out of the security of home). It was only meant to be a quick trip down the canal with my partner, daughter and my gay best friend, but we missed the turnround point and had to continue for another 1 1/2 hours to the next one. By now it was dark and we couldnt travel in the dark so we made the decision to sleep on the boat until light again then get home so everyone except me and Josie could get to work. We had no supplies and hadnt a clue where we were and struggled with the electricity. Eventually we found a shop where i had walked (with no security of a car) and we stocked up, after hours of laughing we finally got to sleep and set back for home at 6am. It was so peaceful.

I still cannot beleive i did it, im a little in shock at the moment ( or is it cause im tired) I think it was all the laughing that stopped me having a panic attack, and of course the peacefulness.

If anyone wants to have a look at the photos i have posted them on my website under the page The Norton Four canal trip.

My website is www.scoobysue.piczo.com.

Take care and thanks for listening

Suzanne xxxxxxxxxxxxx

s shaw

17-08-06, 10:56
Thats great news suz, well done.

Your websire link doesnt work though!!!!

Keep up the positivity xx

Hay x

17-08-06, 11:48
cant seem to see the fotos, saying it doesnt exist, but i can almost feel the happiness anyway

well done, this wont be the last im sure. have faith in yourself


17-08-06, 12:00

Thanks for replying to my message. No it doesnt seem to work when you click on it for a link but if you type it in it works.


Take care suzanne

s shaw

17-08-06, 13:48
Hi Suzanne,

Well done you. I love happy stories brightens my day.

Take Care



17-08-06, 13:56
Hi Suzanne,

Wow what a story, brave you, I love happy endings. I think you ought to take more boat trips in the future, sounds like you had a fun time!


"Our thoughts are our reality"

17-08-06, 15:49
Hi Suzanne

I had a look at your site. You seemed to be having a nice day out and everyone looked happy. Its funny how being out with supportive people can make a stressful situation seem alot better. Well done you for your achievement.


17-08-06, 17:05

Thats's great I'm so glad you had a nice time.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

17-08-06, 17:15
Glad you had a great time mate, nutty as a fruit cake but we love you that way ! lol[:P][Yeah!]

Dave xx

polly daydream
18-08-06, 01:01
Well done Suzanne, glad you had a great time.

Take care,

Polly x

20-08-06, 21:36
Well done Suzanne it looked like a great trip

Take care

Clare :)

Obstacles are those horrible things you see when you take your mind off your goals (",)

20-08-06, 21:45
Well done Suzanne

The link is http://www.scoobysue.piczo.com

You had a full-stop on the end of your link.

Had a look at the pics - looks like fab fun and you look really happy

Well done on coping so well
