View Full Version : Arghhh! Dermatologist called =[

15-11-12, 20:28
I just got a call on my mobile from a number I didn't recognise - it was the medical referral service asking if I could attend a dermatology clinic on Saturday afternoon.
I am now panicking as I have been waiting since the 3rd of September so I didn't expect them to phone and ask me to attend so quickly! I can't go to the clinic as I am working so she said it may be another week or two for my appointment.
Am I correct to worry? Why do you think they wanted to see me so soon?

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:24 ----------

She also said I was going to the top of the waiting list =[

15-11-12, 20:29
It can't be too urgent if they are willing for you to wait a little longer. They would have told you to miss work and come in if it was urgent. Maybe they had a cancellation. Hopefully you will get your appointment soon and you will know then.

15-11-12, 20:54
I was just thinking the same as the above post, that they have had a cancellation as this happened to me once before , like you I thought the worse but there was a innocent explanation in my case.

15-11-12, 21:20
If you have been waiting for your appointment since the 3rd of September (=almost 2 1/2 months) they do NOT think it is urgent...

Now your turn came, and when you said no they put you on the waiting list for cancellations. It sounds like a very normal procedure to me. You have waited more than 2 months and it's your turn, it is only logical they don't put you at the bottom of the list again!


15-11-12, 21:35
yes 2 months is not classed as urgent :hugs:

15-11-12, 23:21
Thanks guys, chilling out a bit now, was just surprised to get a call after 5pm. She did say that it was an extra clinic which had been put on and that she was going to call the next person on her list ... Probably means I can relax.

16-11-12, 10:03
Try not to worry Lo, there is a maximum waiting list time and the NHS trust will be penalised and loose some money if they don't see you within that time frame. It's different for each speciality but is generally between 8 -12 weeks and as you're getting on for that they've probably had a look and put you on that list. It's quite normal for clinics on Saturdays and evenings now to get the waiting list down and unfortunately the NHS isn't very organised and sends out appointment letters late.

16-11-12, 10:15
Thanks Samhar, I guess that makes sense. I am approaching 12 weeks now. It reassures me that they commonly do clinics on a Saturday - I thought they were so desperate to see me they were making a special one! Haha! How big headed of me?
Calming down a bit now. Until I get my appointment through! The only person who really understands how scared I am is my boyfriend and he can't go with me, my mum and dad will just be embarrassed by my reaction to it and my friends will laugh at me so I am probably going in alone =[

16-11-12, 17:13
Good luck , sure you will be fine :hugs:

16-11-12, 20:11
Thanks! Now worrying about my lipoma again. It is never ending =[

16-11-12, 20:27
I'm still worrying about my flipping lipoma/lump and that is after having it scanned and being told ok, you are right it is neverending.

17-11-12, 13:18
I was considering getting mines scanned for reassurance but I know I won't be reassured by it so should probably just leave it. This stupid dermatologist appointment is supposedly for reassurance but it is causing me even more anxiety!

18-11-12, 06:53
It's causing anxiety because you are assuming the worst.
Shame it's not so easy to be positive x